G1 G2 posed figures don't import fine

Issue #1004 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

daz studio, blender 3.1.2, diffeomorphic

It seems that the plugin attempts to convert triax to general weight on import. But it fails if the figure is posed. Below we can see G1F where the left arm is exported as posed and gets a sloppy bending, while the right arm is in rest pose and gets a nice bending. So this way it’s not possible to export G1 G2 posed figures in a dbz.

steps (triax only works in rest pose):

  1. import the test scene prebend-g1f.duf
  2. pose the left and right arms

Please note that this issue doesn’t arise if we convert G1F to general weight before exporting, so it only happens when we export the triax version. Below we convert to blended weight before exporting, that means daz studio will keep both the triax and general weight maps.

steps (general weight works for a posed figure):

  1. in daz studio load the test scene prebend-g1f.duf
  2. add the general weight maps: edit > figure > rigging > convert to blended weight
  3. import in blender
  4. pose the left and right arms

Once we convert to general weight in daz studio we can enter the “node weight map brush” in the “tool settings” panel to check the weight maps. We see there are the old (xyz, scale) maps that are triax, and the new general maps that we created in daz studio. If there’s the general maps then the plugin imports them and ignore the (xyz, scale) maps.

To support posed figures with triax, if the general maps are not available because the user didn’t convert to general, then the triax scale map could be imported instead, that’s similar to the general conversion. But in this case a warning should be shown to the user that a general map was not found and the triax scale map is used.

Comments (9)

  1. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Please Thomas let me know if this is an intended limitation. That is, triax is only imported fine in rest pose, and we need to convert to general weight in daz studio for a posed figure before exporting. If so then this information should be added to the docs, and I’ll mark as resolved.

    Or we can try to use the scale maps as suggested above to import triax for posed figures too. Don’t know how good this will be though.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I think I experimented with both the local weights and the scale weights, but neither worked well. Then somebody contributed code that worked with local weights, but it seems to be an assumption that the bones are aligned with the main coordinate axes. Fortunately this is the case in rest pose, but not if the character is posed.

    So I don’t think we can easily do any better with scale weights. I added a section about this at the bottom of https://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/export-from-daz-studio-version-16.html.

  3. jeroen b

    As a workaround I would import the base G1/G2 character into the scene, delete all vertex-groups from the posed character and then copy the vertex-groups (and so the weight maps) from the base character to the posed character. I do not transfer to general weight in DAZ studio, that will mess up the weight maps.

  4. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    The note in the docs seems fine to me. We can convert to general weight in daz studio, or use the tip by Jeroen for posed figures. Marking as resolved.

    Thank you Jeroen for the nice tip.

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