FACEcap app animation eyes data not working properly with Rigify & MXH Rig

Issue #1009 resolved
Shubham Patil created an issue

Blender 3.1.2

Diffeomorphic Add-on ( 1.5 - 1.6.2 )

FACEcap animation eyes data not work right when left and Right gaze is set to 1 in property bar

This happen when rig is generated with rigify or MXH rig with stander rig it work fine this happen because if controllers I think.

Explained in video - https://youtu.be/FxFmfPCHBY4

Attached is txt file of Facecap animation data

Comments (9)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, if gazing is on, the eye rotation is controlled by constraints. So you need to turn it off if you intend to use the facecap data.

    Although this is the correct behaviour, it would probably be better if gazing was off by default, to avoid unpleasant surprises. I will change that later.

  2. Shubham Patil reporter

    Some time eye data is not correct from FACE Cap txt file so I need to correct manually than I use Gazing And it help so well easy and clear to correct
    Just need to correct position of gazing, that’s way I report.

    Take your time…

    Thank you for this kind of features 🤩

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Implemented in last commit, but there are some issues to be aware of.

    1. Computing the gaze bone locations is slow, because two scene updates have to be made for each frame, in order to get the world matrices of the eye bones. E.g. converting 1084 frames increased 4.6 to 88.6 seconds. Therefore there is an option to turn it off.
    2. The gaze bones are ignored if gazing is turned off in the mhx properties panel. I prefer this since the files load much faster.
    3. Sometimes the location of the gaze bones seems to be slightly off, which we can check by sliding the gazing property. I don’t know why this happens. Perhaps I have misunderstood how the TrackTo constraint works.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    If I may add a comment. This is a general issue. You don’t import mocap data on a ik rig, aka mhx rigify. You import mocap data on a fk rig, aka daz. Then you can retarget fk to ik to edit the mocap, but this also requires to “simplify“ the mocap timeline to animation keyframes, and that’s an “advanced“ matter anyway.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now the gaze transfer has been moved to a separate button, which works on single poses and on entire animations. It is located in the Posing panel, because it can be useful not only for facecap files. Alternatively it could have been put in the mhx tab, but gaze bones can be added to rigify as well, and it is not a good idea to force rigify user to enable mhx.

    Note that gaze transfer is a destructive operation. The local eye rotation is set to zero, since it is parented to a hidden bone which is moved by a constraint. Unfortunately, this also means that the eyelid bones don’t move with the eyes, since drivers ignore parent info. Perhaps we want a tool to convert back to proper eye movements.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now there is a button that goes in the opposite direction, too. They are now called Transfer Eye To Gaze and Transfer Gaze To Eye. Also made a modification to the mhx rig, so the eyelids move also when the eye is posed with the gaze bone.

  7. Shubham Patil reporter

    Mostly I test with raw model and everything looks good to me

    Thank you for your help

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