Default material type option gone!

Issue #1027 resolved
Lenoardo created an issue

I used to be able to set principled setup(when importing) as default in global settings. This option is gone now. Can we get it back?

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The material method has been moved to the Import DAZ / Easy Import DAZ options.

  2. Lenoardo reporter

    But why do i have to select principled every time? I use only principled. Can we get an option to make principled default?

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The global material method option is back. If it is set to Select On Load, you get to select it every time you load a file, otherwise it is always the same.

  4. Lenoardo reporter

    Thanks works great. But I think it would been better if on load there was a checkbox to “remember” the last selection, instead of having a global setting. It just makes more sense. If most of the time i am using principled, but in specific case i want bsdf then i have to go into global settings. I mean its a small thing but i think it makes more sense to just have a checkbox to remember selection instead of a dedicated global setting.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I introduced operator presets for a number of tools. It doesn’t really help for the Import DAZ button, since selecting a preset takes longer than selecting the material method, but it is useful for easy import and the import pose buttons, where there are many options.

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