guess refraction bug

Issue #103 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

This is responsible for the dark eyes as noticed in #96. And it's also a regression though I have no idea when this happened. The issue is that for the guess option the glossy color is used as base color that's not always the case. Below the right equations as explained in #169 in the old traker.

# principled glass color (iray refraction = 1)

if share glossy input is on
  principled base color = iray glossy color
  principled specular tint = 1

if share glossy input is off
  principled base color = iray refraction color
  principled specular tint = 0

if thin walled is off and iray transmitted color <> [white,black] and iray transmitted distance > 0
  principled base color = principled base color * iray transmitted color

Also below an example with the G8F eyes first iray then cycles where I made the glossy color green to better show the bug.

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