Clothing Custom Morphs Rig dependencies

Issue #1037 resolved
Miki3d created an issue

Hi there!
I have a clothing where I import custom morphs, and some are joint corrective morphs, so they are bound to the char rig:

Now, in case I re-import the character only, and I want to keep the same clothing, is there a way to automatically assign the new rig to the clothing drivers?
Thanks 🙂


Comments (4)

  1. Midnight Arrow

    There’s a “Change Armatures” button but I don’t remember if it handles drivers. If it doesn’t, it probably should.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, there is no simple way to achieve that. The Change Armature button is intended for the opposite situation: keep the old character and add new clothes, rather than keeping the old clothes and adding them to a new character.

    One could go over the jcm drivers and replace every reference to the old armature with the new one, but that will not be enough. As shown in your picture, the shapekeys are not driven by the bone rotations directly, but rather by armature properties that are driven by bone rotations. So one would also have to copy all drivers and custom properties from the old armature to the new one. That would be messy, especially if the new armature already has drivers of its own.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    On second thought, it can be done rather easily, provided that the relevant armature properties and drivers exist. So it is up to the user make to sure that all relevant morphs are loaded to the new character first. The Change Armature button has a new option Retarget Drivers, with a warning about this in the description.

    So to add clothes to the new character, do the following:

    1. Load the new character.
    2. Load all relevant jcms to the new character (and other morphs that affect the clothes).
    3. Change Armature with Retarget Drivers enabled.

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