Help with Hair Density

Issue #1041 invalid
Iago Monteiro created an issue

Not really a bug and rather more of a request for help. Not sure if this is the right place but it seemed the only place where Diffeo is discussed deeply.

Imported character with hair to Blender, used the “Make Hair” feature and ended up with you can see in the screenshot below: patchy hair with parts of the scalp clearly visible.

Increasing the number of children does not work. The new children will just clump around their parents and won’t fill the hairless patches. Interpolating them will make the hair look even patchier.

Also tried combining all the hair particle systems into a single one and then interpolating. This made the hairs fill the entire scalp, but completely dilluted the hairstyle’s shape, making it shapeless.

Came across this issue (Dforce Hair doesn't work fine). Followed Thomas' instructions on how to import the hair properly, then followed it again for good measure, but it either didn’t work or I did something wrong. I’m not exactly experienced and I’m tired, so I’m not even sure that issue is what I’m looking for.

How can I make this hair look as it is supposed to look?

Posting below a picture of how the hair looks in Blender and another of how it looks in a Daz Render. It’s the dForce Jimmin Hair for Genesis 8 Male, if it helps.

Thanks for the attention.

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Converting transmapped hair to particles may not always deliver good results depending on the hair. The simulation may also be not good for transmapped hair see #978. That said you can use the blender tools and parameters to improve the look of the generated particles. In this case may be the radius can help.

  2. Iago Monteiro reporter

    Thank you, Alessandro. Haven’t had the time to properly try this out but already experimented with it and it seems increasing radius will solve the issue, with some finetuning.

  3. Iago Monteiro reporter

    Fiddle with the radius of the different hair particle groups to mitigate the issue. The hair won't look as good as it would look in Daz but it will probably be enough to cover the patchy areas.

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