Genitalia Causing Mixamo Retarget Issues

Issue #1042 invalid
Terrorbyte created an issue

When using Expy kit to retarget Mixamo animations to rigify. The diffeo genitalia seems to get in the way of binding the arms properly. They are positioned as if the rigify hand IK is bound to the opposite hand of the Mixamo meta-rig and is positioned like that for each keyframe. The process works perfectly fine when there isn’t genitalia attached. I’ve tried doing the retarget to a rig without genitalia and then copying over the animation to the rig with genitalia but ended with the same result. How does the genitalia affect the setup of the arm IK / FK?

Comments (4)

  1. Terrorbyte reporter

    My process of transferring animations from Mixamo on to rigify rigged characters with genitalia from diffeomorphic is to use expy kit to transfer the mixamo animation to the same size rigify character without genitalia first and then to transfer the animation from the rigify character without genitalia to the rigify character with genitalia using

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