Set UVtile not consider 2D tile Arrangement

Issue #1046 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Though I manually locate UVtile , offered function in Setup> Finishing>Set UVtile not locate UVtile

as 2D arrangement. How set UDtiles number and 2DUVspace may differ by each aprication,

but At least for Blender UDIM tiles, you may need to consider U and V pos.

At current DAZ importer SetUV tile function only move to U pos. Below pic I set gen part assgin Material slot as 1011, Current tool only translate to U axis from original UV tile pos, not consider V tile pos. So if I imput 1031 blender try to locate (U=1 , V=3) but importer may move as (U = 31. V = (current V pos) , ) in 2d UV world.

when V = 1 (1st bottom Ulow) , 1001 to 1010

when V = 2 (2nd U low) , 1011 to 1020

then blender can set 10 X 10 tiles (from 1001 to 1100) I suppose.

Comments (12)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. I don’t understand what I was thinking when I wrote the code, because it has obviously never worked.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    I clear remember, the function had worked before ^^;

    (I requested samething, then you corrected it. so I believed it would work)

    anyway, thanks. I thought if some user request you make it so for other aprication…

  3. engetudouiti reporter
    • changed status to open

    No there remain some problems.. After move UDIM, I see miss materials moved. so I cancell with ctrl -Z then retry ,, now it not move anymore... maybe cancel are ignored?

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    eg if I select gen parts and input 1021

    now it move UV minus direction of first bottom low.

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes I suppose it not simple if try to shift by script with set UDIM tile.

    because you may need to get current UDIM tile for each material first. then you can shift by unit.

    I do not know how you can get current UDIM tile for each material (user may check on materials in function window)

    when I manuall edit,

    1. go to edit mode.
    2. check current UDIM tile for material by eye
    3. select mateiral part which I shift.
    4. remove auto assgined texture (blender bug for UV editor, it auto set one texture in current used material for UV editor (no meaning) then can set unit as 1.0
    5. Grab and move X and Y (shift) with check eye.

    if you can get current UDIM tile (U,V) for each material, I suppose it work though… or your script may only work one time..

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, I also remember that the tool worked before, but clearly something happened to it. The V coordinate was ignored completel.

    I can undo the operation without problems, but I must hit ctrl-Z twice and then toggle into edit mode. The tool changes the UV coordinates and ends in object mode. If you then go to the UV editing tab Blender also goes into edit mode. So the first ctrl-Z cancels edit mode, and the second cancels moving the UVs, and then you must switch to edit mode again to see the result. Or am I missing something?

    Also, you may have to merge UV layers (Base Female and Default UVs in the case of GP).

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    I just played with merged mesh,, but I now remember, default usage was, use this tool untill merge.. ^^;

    I test after merge figure with Gen , then manually move Gen part UV (I usually do this manually) , after that find tool, then test how this tool work..

    I may test again with another mesh,,, do you think this tool work for all mesh which have multi material parts, anytime I need?

    And I change Material data type from data to object, to manage many material set easy with one mesh, so I suppose if it is matter or not… If it work for your desigend work-flow, please set it as solved… (I do not know if my usage was wrong ^^;)

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