MHX property Left/RIght Forearms Follow hand not work for IK hand

Issue #1047 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Thomas I do not clear remember all optiions, but I suppose we could make MHK which can IK <> FK snap

perfectly (though we need to set some options correctly, eg No rotation limit and not follow hand for twist bone, to get perfect snap)

But today I check pose with snap IK <> FK now it show twist bones rotate slightly.. which option I set..

I think I forgot some important option when convert MHX.

Convert MHX auto set those? or I need to set option untill convert as MHX?

(eg,, Connect IK chains etc)

Comments (7)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes I feel, with recent version, Left / RIght Arms follow hand option, not work. because even though I disable it for perfect snap, when I twist ik hand along with local Y, forarms bond twist >> it should cause snap issue

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    The problem is, with FK, if I switch (Arms follow hand)

    forearms L / R bone constrain for hand FK, copy rotation toggle.


    but with IK, constrain for hand IK, copy rotation not toggle.

    so always it try to copy rotation with influence as 1.00

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    I could confirm, if I disable IK bone constrain (copy rotation)

    for both arms, I can still twist Forearms and hand separatelly with IK, but snap FK<>IK perfect fit (non deform)

    you may just need to set the bone constrain as un-visible with IK, as same as FK. (FK auto toggle , so forearmas not follow hand rotation when disable)

    without it you should see, twist bone rotate when FK<>IK snap, even though you disable forearms follow hands.

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    I can not confirm other setting clear, but in 810 >>

    def setForearmFollow(amt, context, prop, suffix):
        rig = getMhxRig(amt, context)
        follows = getattr(amt, prop)
        pb = rig.pose.bones["forearm"+suffix]
        for cns in pb.constraints:
            if (cns.type == 'COPY_ROTATION' and
                cns.subtarget == ""+suffix):
                cns.mute = not follows
        # add IK mute Start
        for cns in pb.constraints:
            if (cns.type == 'COPY_ROTATION' and
                cns.subtarget == "hand0.ik"+suffix):
                cns.mute = not follows
         # add IK mute End

    Then you can toggle (mute) Forearm not follow IK hand constrain for copy rotation.

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