lips deformations using rigify spine_fk.007 bone creates

Issue #105 resolved
Charles Hetier created an issue

I am using the great rigify rigging system that works perfectly with this amazing importer, except the head bone controller causes some lips deformations. Here is a screen capture of the behavior: just open the mouth, pull the head up and here is the result.

(I have tried different approach with different things, I always have this issue.
If it can help, it wasn’t happening with previous supported rigify version)

I’m using the latest stable version (1.4.1)

Comments (4)

  1. Chuki Cicha

    Try the latest commit, for me it’s working as it should, the steps I took were:
    I’m using this commit: 063715d

    1- Import Daz File
    2- (I don’t think this is necessary, but it’s an habit), I selected the Armature, and then Under the “Corrections” panel hit Add Extra Face Bones, and then Make all Bones Posable.
    3- Under the “Morphs” panel, I clicked “Import Units” and selected just the MouthOpen, to try this out.
    4- Under the “Finishing” panel, clicked on “Convert to Rigify”
    5- In the “Face Units” menu I set the “MouthOpen” slider to 1.
    6- And then I rotated the head bone

    And as you can see, it works as intended.

    I don’t know if maybe you are using another Rigify tool, I recommend you to use the one that is inside the plugin, it’s pretty nice, although in my opinion, MHX is better than Rigify, but it’s a matter of what is easier for you.

    Hope this helped you! if it did, please set the issue to Resolved, so Thomas doesn’t waste time here

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Charles, I suggest that you try the development version. Stable 1.4.1 is starting to become quite old, and I should put together a new stable soon. In particular, I made some change to the rigify neck bone which may be relevant after 1.4.1

  3. Charles Hetier reporter

    @Chuki Cicha Thanks alot for your detailed answer, this is the exact same steps I’m also doing to import the character, it’s indeed working properly with the latest commit, I gonna use it! (NB: what I especially like with rigify is that Thomas allows to customize the metarig in the steps, which is very handy. Apart from that, I must admit I never really used make human one, but I’ll give it a try! Also thanks for your feedback on it 🙂 )

    @Thomas Larson, Thank you so much for spending time to reply to my issue!! The development version is indeed working very well, from now I’ll have a try on it before opening an issue 🙄

    I love the way the addon is evolving by the way! And thank you for sharing all this work!!

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