Import Pose Morphs to Pose Library

Issue #1052 wontfix
ViSlArT created an issue

When importing morphs that change the armature pose instead of shape keys, it uses drivers on the affected transforms, leaving the user with 2 options:

  1. Only pose the bones with the sliders, with very few options on manually posing the bone.
  2. Use the [Make All Bones Poseable] option/button to duplicate and constrain the bones to move the drivers from the bones (or manually perform something similar to this)

Obviously #1 is no good, and #2 creates other issues.

One issue is the constraints. If you bake the animation or use Visual Keying, the constraints + animation will break the bones while the sliders are on because the results will be added together.
This would only be a non-issue if you have no intention of creating new constraints or removing them or would remove both constraints at the same time.
An alternative to constraints could be reparenting the bother, which would have separate issues.

My request is to instead of using drivers, add the option of using the Pose Library. I can see how the sliders would be preferable to the old version that only let you apply a pose completely but the 3.0 version upgraded to letting you blend in the pose, as well as giving you image thumbnails.

With it, you don’t need constraints or drivers. You just select bones if you want to isolate the pose to them, then go to the pose you want and click-to-apply or drag-to-blend. As for any morph that explicitly invokes a shape key, since AFAIK the pose library doesn’t use custom properties, you could create bone(s) and drive the keys with its transforms, adding said transform to the pose.

What the Pose Library doesn’t let you do, is “turn off” a pose; as in if you applied several poses, then wanted to blend-off or remove a specific pose, it’s already applied so you can’t remove “only” that pose and retain the others, and if you wanted to blend it off, you would need a base-pose asset.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    No, I don’t think this will work, at least not in the same way as in DS. Some morphs drive bone rotation, but there are also morphs that drive other morphs, and those are not readily mapped to a pose library.

    Consider the eye closed morphs. The left and right morphs move the eyelid bones, and could be mapped to a pose library. But the both eyes closed morph drives the left and right morphs, and only move the eyelid bones indirectly. And replacing the left and right morphs with poses wouldn’t actually work either, because the eyelid bones are also driven by the eye rotations.

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