Clear morphs function not work

Issue #1053 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Test with G3 basic rig + import basic morphs + import favorite. (include custom morphs which I import)

it seems work correctly. so I got all morphs which saved before another character thanks 😃

Then I select rig, adjust some imported morphs value. I confirmed they are checked (activated).

after that Use clear morphs with select rig >> not return values. I have custom made almost same tools.

So I test it, it seems still work. Maybe up-date 3d view issue with blender version change?

I remember there had been same issue before. (then everytime for each version, you had up-dated to up-date view correctly)

but even though I change mode (edit sculpt etc), this time it seems not work for me.

Comments (12)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    Each category > clear morphs work without problem)

    Posing >> Clear morphs not work.

    I can not get any but info from console about this function issue…

    I remember clear pose worked correctly for me…

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    btw my currently used up-date function was,,

    def update_props(context, rig):

    Then I call it, after I set all morph keys as zero..from

    module.update_props(context, rig)

    So if it is simple up-date problem, (you set value as zero, but blender 3.2 not update without clear reason,,)

    you may try my up-date function… (I really do not remember, what doc I follow when I made it,,)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    mmm,,,, I really do not know why now it work. After I report this, I did another work for hair rigs to customize and easy attach. then now return to pose figure.. and morphs with select rig.. now your Clear morphs work again…

    I may keep this and report again, if I see same issue. (or I miss something,, but I do not know what I changed. so now it work correctly, then I suppose there should be up-date issue with case. but I do not know when it stop to work..^^;

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    hm after keep use this option for MHX and default rig I do not see this issue any more..

    maybe I miss use (select wrong rig?! ) I do not know.. then close this issue as solved.

  5. engetudouiti reporter
    • changed status to open

    I found case actually clear morph or each parameter X button not work for reset morphs. A few (I suppose so) expression morph which may change HD morph value, (but it is not real HD morph, base deform for HD morph work correctly) seems can not reset value from UI button. (but I can directly input as 0)

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    About G3F, at current I found issue for Expression >> serious.

    it seems drive HD morph (for base) too.. then it can not return value as zero.

    Though I do not know if I simply failed to import some related ERC morphs,,, (so it is base expression,

    then usually I do not worry, just import all as base expression.

    I found report from others, before, when they hide armature mode, or in edit mode, even though they clear pose, clear morph, FIgure change head shape, and I actually see this issue last night when make some sculpt disp map, Then check all morph which currently activated, and found this.

    (I do not know if other morph have same issue )



  7. engetudouiti reporter

    …… It is really wired,, when I use return key (from your offered morph UI), or reset morphs,

    , it seems auto set the value as 0.68. as if the value baked. I may check if my export figure set it as 0.68

    (but when I import it, it keep as 0, I can confirm)

    but as the property, eCtrlSerious it set as default value as zero in blender

    and I do not have any key in this scene. (for rig pose or morph)

    There seems no other morph which control the eCtrlSerious. so I do not know why it return as 0.68.

    (though I suppose hidden interval morph may effect it,, but not clear remember, how you made them)

    So interesting thing is,, if I use my script, to remove all morph, it work. but if I use add on tool > Clear morph

    it set the value as 0.68 again. (maybe the function use, each category clear morph function, so those button do same thing = set 0.68 for expression, as if it is default value.

    And it is really strange, but even though I only use another category clear morphs, it auto set the Expression value as 0.68. (eg vismes etc)…. If it is related daz offer dsf file default value? (because I actually re-import all product again, with DIM to work new PC,, so I do not edit them… I may check daz file though..



  8. engetudouiti reporter

    hmmm,,, it seems only happen for some figures, about pure import figure, and convert MHX from it not show this issue. So I suppose it seems happen when I retarget driver etc… (I often used it)

    I suppose,, maybe I happend to set those value, and retarget to another scene figure… (though do not know actually it cause this issue or not)

    But what I hope to know is, how to clean up this issue, for current problem scene figures..

    Though it is small issue (because I already notice, which morph cause issue, so just manually set it again, but hope to know way to manually correct it… (maybe hidden bone property which controll morphs, effect and fix the 0.680 as default value?)

  9. engetudouiti reporter

    I need Thomas help about this issue, though I can retarget armature, from other scene which not show this issue, but I just need to know way to correct it..

    I attach blend file (most of texture and data have been removed, but most of shape keys and drivers remain)

    So Thomas check it please. (you just check, with clear morphs, and why the expression > serious> value set as 0.68. as if it is driven by hidden props.

    I hope to know how to correct it…. I suppose some hidden props or hidden bone related with this issue.

    My mistake was I did not set Create hidden propertys to check which prop actually change The user input slider values. (I simply forget to tweak gloval setting when I made this cahracter and re-use for many scene)

  10. engetudouiti reporter

    Ah Ok,, I perfectly forgot to keep NLA stash, and use the scene to make scene for other purpose..

    (so the Stash include eye close and I seems set the morph in frame zero,, but it not be shown as action..) ^^;

    It is my fault, do not need to check file thanks.

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