Face shape Preset system (future request)

Issue #1054 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I suppose blender still not offer drive blender edit bone with shape keys.But I have some idea to make head preset system

for Daz import characters. (mainly face shape only. so most of clothing may still fit, hair need to reimport though)

  1. offer function save rig preset. It only describe all bone arrangement (start and end pose with roll) of current rig.
  2. offer function to load rig preset, It re-apply all edit bone property then change rig pose like.

These 2 steps only effect current rig edit bone (aka zero pose bone ) so it not effect mesh. but when user pose face rig, it cause un-expected deform because all bone location change.

you see this pic.

This is current rig and shape of G3 with zero pose zero morph.

Then I save current def rig as rig-preset to return easy. (I had made such tool for personal usage before)

Next I import new head shape character, I only use head shape morphs in daz studio. so not touch body. then export by daz importer,and make new morph for current def body mesh, by blender add shape keys (or transfer shape key)

So if I set the shape key as 1.00, now my character change face as new one. but rig position stay as same as before.

so if I pose it should deform badly….

I already import new head shape dbz by daz importer, so new shape come with rig. and the rig should fit current morph new shape.

Then I save the new import rig as new face rig preset.. and load the new face rig preset for current default rig. then rig fit to current morph shape (new Actor head)

The merit is, once you make new head (over the neck) in daz, and export by daz importer. then save rig preset and scene. you can transfer new head shape as shape keys for current scene rig whenever you want. without change all characters.. (only hair need to re-import) .

it may useful when you only hope to modify head shape, and re-use it for current saved scene character. without transfer driver or manually transfer rig etc (though I do not know blender already offer transfer rig pos to current rig etc)

make rig preset function is useful to keep current temp rig edit too. (eg for foot pose and bake etc)

Comments (1)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    I think “Morph Armature” may try to auto adjust Edit bone.. so if it work well I may need not save rig pos usually.

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