Save pose preset doesn't work with PECTORAL

Issue #1057 resolved
bouich jules created an issue


i just noticed that pectoral.l and pectoral.r are not imported in daz with the MHX rig.

also sometimes the feet and the hand have some movement in daz, while they are not supposed to move, anyway that’s not a big issue.

however the pectoral.l and pectoral.r are not imported.

Comments (3)

  1. bouich jules reporter

    also please note as i said the foot and hand always keep moving when you save the preset, they are supposed to be locked on blender.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. Also made the same fix for rigify.

    The pect rotation was too large in DS, also for the original daz rig. This happens because the pect bones are driven by the collarbones. The driven rotation was saved in the pose preset, but it was doubled when loaded into DS: the explicit rotation was added to the driven value. Now driven channels are not stored in the pose preset, so this problem doesn’t happen anymore.

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