JCMs not effecting Geograft border after merge

Issue #1061 invalid
AnonymousBlender created an issue

Took me a while to boil it down through trial and error but it seems like JCM’s are not affecting the border of the GP geograft after the gegraft is merged. Which when thinking about it makes sense since the vet numbers change (right?). All I really want to know is if it’s me doing something wrong? Or is there a workaround outside of going into sculpt mode? As sculpt mode is not ideal since it permanently modifies the geometry.

This is what I am seeing. In part anyway. The deformation (or lack of) appears to follow what looks like it would have been the geograft border. I minimized the amount shown to keep this as friendly as possible.

Also, I didn't really know what to mark this as so I went with minor bug.

Comments (7)

  1. engetudouiti

    Did you try to check with wire view and see actually only the border (mesh edge( of specific pert) in blender ?

    you may hide driver temporally about specific jcms in merged mesh shape keys, and set the value as one and see how it deform body with zero pose.

    If you can confirm, only edge (most outer edge of merged graft items) not deform with jcms, you may need to show more detail step how you transfer jcms clear I think, 🙂

  2. AnonymousBlender reporter

    No, I didn’t it’s actually very obvious from other angles. But i chose this one as it was more, let’s say, polite.

    @Thomas Larsson

    Not transferring shape keys was my problem. Sorry for asking ridiculous questions I should have figured that out. This did however give me an idea for a suguesstion. Pop-ups for newbies and people who know they are idiots, toggleable in Global settigns. Ex: With them enabled, You click on merge geograft, and before the operation can complete a confirmation dialog with a list of things you might want to do before doing the operation shows “Before you merge Greografts have you…“ then the list below it, Clicking okay continues the operation. Doesn’t need to be on everything, but would be helpful on things that have a definitive place in the order of operations like merging geografts does.

    Anyway, just a thought, and thanks for helping this idiot yet again. lol

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