Things like stockings look not the same as in Daz

Issue #1065 duplicate
Yek Bruce created an issue

I imported this to Blender and found it looked very strange. I’m sure that all the settings are checked.



I tried several other stockings or pantyhoses and they looked not the same either:







Comments (9)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    As for Lali's Bodystocking the issue is that it uses a custom shader named “Nylon Base Material“. The custom shaders are not supported by diffeomorphic, only the standard uber shader is. In some cases you can try to convert the custom shaders to uber within daz studio by applying the uber shader preset, but this won’t always work fine depending how different the custom shader is. So in this case it is expected that you may have to fix the material yourself.

    you may try:

    1. in daz studio convert the materials to uber by applying the uber shader preset
    2. if the conversion isn’t fine enough then fix the material so that it works with the uber shader
    3. export to blender

    or you may try:

    1. uncheck “prune node tree“ in the diffeomorphic global settings, so unused textures will not be discarded
    2. import in blender using the “single principled“ option for materials that’s the easiest to edit
    3. see what you get and fix the material

    Be sure that your shaders in daz studio are named “Iray Uber“, that will be correctly exported.

    Let me know if this is the same issue with your other items so I’ll close this one as invalid since this is not a bug.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    As for mystique it uses a shell with a custom shader so it’s the same issue.

    As for ribbon it uses a top coat mode that’s not supported. Unfortunately the top coat in daz studio is very complex and has a lot of parameters that we don’t support entirely. So at least for the time being this is a “known limitation“. In general you can expect that the materials are close enough to daz studio but there may be exceptions as in this case.

    That said, I see in this case the importer doesn’t import the top coat at all, that’s bad. I reported #1069 so we can have at least a basic top coat to edit instead of nothing.

    Eventually I’ll add a note in the blog about custom shaders and material limitations so people is more aware. Then we may close this one.

  3. Yek Bruce reporter

    Well I think mystique used Iray Uber shader, I can see it under the editor tab in the surface panel, am I wrong?

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes you are wrong you have to look at the shell material that’s what is used for rendering.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Duplicate of #1069.

    Limited to the ribbon stockings, this will be resolved with #1069. Marking as duplicate for tracker cleanup.

    update. #1069 is fixed and now the ribbon stockings render fine.

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