Introduce Best Retarget Tool For DAZ MHX converted Rig (FK Bones)

Issue #1067 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

So I now often see mixamo or other mocap animations are imported, then retarget to blender rigs (rigi fy etc) And bake then keep as NLA stacks.

Then these days, I tried to serch most easy way (or free tool) to set up + retarget + bake animation for MHX rig easy.I actually try many retarget free tools for MHX, but each tool have pro and con.. ^^;

Most of case , those add on can not set bone map for Daz MHX bone rotation order of each bone, so after all you may manually need to check each bone constrain and tweak. or may need to generate empty or need to generate intermediate transfer rigs. and set up correctly.

One tool work well but it actually perfectly change mapped MHX bone rotaiton order as XYZ . once animation are baked , you can not return bone rotation order or baked animation break. (it is rasonable though, to work MHX best you should not change rotation order for MHX bones)

Some free retarget tool add on offer hide / un-hide constrain, but it usually work for all constrain then it force to hide or activate all constrain of bones which you selected. MHX already offer constrain for other purposes, so it is not good..

But I found Rokoko blender add on is best ,

For MHX rig (FK rig) it really work well, at least at current it is free. but to activate add on you need to sign up and log in Rokoko , in Blender. Anyway if someone feel difficulity to retarget mocap animations for MHX daz rig, try this tool. Before I recommend other free tool (it is great add on though), but The main problem was, it should change bone rotation order, and author have no interesting to change the way… (it should be, because some rig maker never plan to set bone rotation order for each bones)

The good thing is, it never change target (MHX) rig bone rotation order, and not remain un-necessary driver or un-necessary constrain.. it retarget and just bake animation at same time.

So you can still use full MHX functions as same as before without problem.

Though I know there are many retarget tools around world, one use empty to add off-set, or one use blender node to adjust pose to fit target rig bone rotation order,, but at current I think it work most stable and most few steps when bone map. (you need not adjust rotation off set or inverse constrain etc)

And of course if you know constrain, or you can script to generate those(empty or set driver for source and target, you may need not use any add on for retarget. Actually at first I try to make constrain by my self with add off set emptys.

but it really need to set bone map for each imported motion rig, again and again, then I exhausted. So this free add on do almost what I need. >> get reasonable action data for MHX rig >> I tweak animation with curve editor is quick and most easy for me.

Comments (6)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    About Rococo offical tutorial is here

    About all details to retarget for blender custom rig and other case (eg export to Unity etc)

    , which I recommend tutorial is

    Though I still not test all. If Any MHX rig user have good resource / add on or usage about MHX rig, add it here please. I hope to easy find stable way (actually others test and confirm) . I may next try to retarget to IK control rig.. (it is not easy I know) 🙂

    (Thomas OK?)

  2. bouich jules

    Instead of using MHX rig directly, why not convert to simple G8 rig then save pose preset.

    convert to MHX, and import your action… that’s what i do with mixamo animations.

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