we can load uv maps, how about save uv maps ?

Issue #1081 resolved
bouich jules created an issue


just a small suggestion, we have the possibility to load the uv maps, merge them etc… but how about to save them ?

sometimes after merge them, you want save and load them again 😉

Thank you,

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This was straighforward to implement. The button is called Save UV set and is located right under the Load UV Set button. It should be possible to use the resulting file in DS as well, so another use for this tool is to create new UV sets for use in DS.

    The file contains the raw Blender UV coordinates, where several UV vertices share the same location. It would be possible to optimize the output so the same location in UV space is represented by a single UV vert - this is done e.g. by the obj exporter - but not today.

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