Frown and smile Units broken when importing custom head morph

Issue #1083 invalid
Jake created an issue

Basically, when I import a custom head morph to Blender that changes the whole G8F figure’s head, the frown and smile units break so that the bones move incorrectly. Pretty sure the mouth corners either don’t move or move in the Y axis and something like that.

I’m pretty sure I reported this issue a while back and I somehow resolved it, but I think I did it by using the skeleton of the default G8F figure. The problem is that the skeleton changes with the custom morph, so I can’t exactly just use the default skeleton.

Comments (13)

  1. Jake reporter

    I’m going to try to import the default figure, then the custom figure, then copy the pose of the custom figure to the default figure, then copy the custom morph to the default figure to crudely bypass this issue. Not sure if it’ll work properly though.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The unit morphs were made for the base character, and will only work well for characters that are close to that. Sometimes vendors provide corrective morphs (eJMCs) to fix that, although it is more common for expressions. E.g. in the Aiko8 folder I find a lot of files starting with eJCM that correct expression morphs.

  3. Jake reporter

    Ah, I don’t have any JCMs for expression for the custom head morph.

    Well, I managed to sort of fix this by importing the default unchanged G8F figure, then my custom figure, then copying the pose of the of custom figure onto the default figure and now the units work correctly. Plus I had to reapply the rest pose to fix the object from deforming incorrectly.

    The only issue I have is that the SquintInner bones move away from their original position with my custom figure and it’s a problem already in Daz. No idea why it does that as I haven’t changed the model so that those bones could move. All the other bones work just fine. However, it doesn’t seem to make any expression bad even if the bones are near the nose as a result of my morph.

  4. Jake reporter

    Also, the bones with the name (drv) are unchanged by the copy pose setting. Is there a way to change those too?

  5. Jake reporter

    I managed to fix the bone problem I had in Daz. However, I also noticed that if I apply the current pose as rest pose after copying the pose of the custom figure to the unchanged figure, which I need to do to fix the deformation of the mesh, the units break. But if I don’t apply the rest pose and just copy the pose, the units work fine. So strange.

    The units also remain fine and don’t break if I import them before applying the rest pose. So, I suppose I should just add the morphs I need before applying the rest pose.

  6. engetudouiti

    when you import custom morphs like hard deform head morph if it need to change rest bone pos , basically it not work well. and daz custom morph should control bone and fit well for the morphed shape (in daz studio)

    Some vendor shape morph are made to free user customize. about these product, they do not controll rig. it depend user. (so you need to use ERC freeze with auto adjust rig )

    if the custom morph actually adjust rig in daz studio, I may recommend not try to import custom morph (if it need to change rest pose) but use it in daz studio first, then make Character which already apply morphs. >> usually custom morph auto adjust rig >> import blender, then import basic morphs, , and customize imported morphs gradually

  7. engetudouiti

    IThough I hope it work well , and I felt intresting when read it.

    But I suppose it will cause more complex issue with already imported morphs. if we use 2 shape, we need to import double characer JCM (or MCM) then need to change them with the Character morph value. I do not think, daz importer can manage such complex case. (we only have adjuster which need to change manually for each character ratio)

    Then Thomas naming way is original so may cause miss understanding.

    he use ERC morph as morph which adjust bone Transform to fit morphed shape

    But ERC not means to morph which adjust rest bone to deformed mesh…

    Enhance Remote Controll of DAZ (or Poser is original I remember). I think system “parameter can control another parameter value with move free.” (driver with of-set I think so)

    so almost all morph which may control another parameter as sub-component in daz studio actually use Daz ERC

    eg ERC bake, = bake other parameter modified value as one controller. (one parameter) >> we use it for almost all custom morph when it need to drive another parameter values.

    so ERC not means, it adjust bone pos.

    If I correct new tool name as daz way,

    ERC morph = “auto adjust rig morph”

    Morph Armature = “Adjust rigging to Shape” (Daz tool name) I suppose

    But I had not test it, (though I notice it), so do not know how it work well.. from blog it cause performance issue. so not expect much. may try, when it need to shape shift human character to monster, and I frequently need to shape shif for project. But maybe I simply import 2 character then swap ar temporally import as static shape key. for current pose >> then switch character.

  8. Jake reporter

    I solved the problem some time ago by adding the custom head morph to Daz, importing the default G8F figure to Blender, importing the custom head morph to Blender, copying the bone locations of the custom figure to the default G8F figure and manually snapping any bones that didn’t move to the custom figure’s bones' locations and now it works just fine.

    It’s just a shame I can’t just import the custom figure without worrying about breaking and have to go through these hoops

  9. engetudouiti

    I do not know what is issue,

    when you use custom morph in daz studio, first, then save and import the scene by daz importer.

    Do you need to animate the custom morphs ?

  10. Jake reporter

    The issue is that any custom morph at least I’ve done in Daz with the head that move the head bones cause some face bones to not move with the face units, like frown and smile, when they’re imported with Diffeomorphic to Blender.

    Í don’t really need to animate them, except some specific bones I had to move and apply the new rest pose because they wouldn’t budge for some reason when I copied the bone locations from the custom one to the default G8F.

  11. engetudouiti

    custom moprh = product morph? or your hand made custom morph? if you show product name, of the custom morph as example, then if someone have it, maybe he can confirm what is problem.

    though as already said, if it hard deform mesh, even though bone follow correctly in daz, many basic expression or vismes morph may need to edit to fit the character shape well.

    typically eye close morph etc.

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