Some problems about recent MHX (Snap issue, no label issue for IK influence in dope sheet etc)

Issue #1098 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

I do not clear remeber, there had been reason, you need to set the Property as before, but If it work as custom prop of object, it may not cause problem. Then at current I test those. (simply because I need to change my script to save / load preset for my purpose)

Then I found, there seems one propery which set as active …. MhxUseSnapRotation

Could not you change it as armature object.prop as same as other property, if it work? (then I can easy save and load the props value with use same function…)

I understand, (G3 parent tarsel need to set as operation, so I do not think you can set it as prop, but use operator)

Comments (15)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    And I remember old version (not so old) could change IK pole parent bone (Hand or Root or sholder)

    after generate rig.. as I need. did not it?

    I did not think I will use it but I found there was case actually It was useful for me.. (when move another bone, without move around IK poles,,)

    At current I must decide it, when generate MHX … I miss something?

    Because I can not find the toggle option and up-date parent bone for IK target button any more.🙄


    Current version ..

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    And one more, Though I think if it is blender side problem but after you set IK FK influence as Object property,

    I can not see the property name when set keys in Dope sheet anymore.. it seems be shown as empty..


    Current version (I set key for IK influence) as you can see, it actually add key, but no labell

    it is really difficult to check which IK FK influence set with Dope sheet.

    Though I do not know the reason is, you set RNA prop or custom prop ,, if it is because you set RNA prop.

    (eg obj.prop), I may hope you keep to use obj[“prop”] at least those important property which user should set key.

    or maybe you simply forget to set Name for prop? ^^;? (I suppose so)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    And with recent MHX, Snap IK to FK not snap correctly about legs.. (I keep no limit,,,) do not know reason though ..

    Untill you solve these issue, I may return old version…

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Most important issue about Recent MHX are

    1 IK to FK Snap not work for legs (I test with 2 version rig scene, at least MHX rts generate rig work about same pose (I just import daz pose >> MHX set all as FK >> then snap IK leg bones to FK.) with use same settings. (No rotation limit)

    2. When I set key for IK influence value (arms and legs), those property label are empty , then not show the prop name in Dope sheet.but other property (which you set for Armature) seems show label in dope sheet, so I suppose you simply forget or set wrong way for those props I suppose.

    (set porp for object / data or not use custom prop but set RNA props are not heavy problem for me,,)

    The problem was, so I generate rig and convert MHX with new Version MHX rts, then add new edit morph etc>> those scene not work any-more with Old versions MHX ^^:

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    I confirm, Work version (DAZ importer 1.6.2 1077, MHX RTS

    I convert and test from same def rig ,,, >> import same pose >> snap IK to FK

    above versions can convert rig as MHX, and can snap IK FK perfect.

    (for leg bones, we may only need to set limit rotation as OFF, with Stretch OFF I suppose, I set other setting same)

    If I only change (MHX version down),, old scene still work,, (it already converted as MHX with old saz importer) but to convert MHX , we must need to version down about DAZ importer too.

    or I could not convert MHX anymore. You seems add check function, MHX version or prop when Convert RIg so if there is only old MHX version, recent daz importer ignore and show info (Need to activae MHX = need to activate recent MHX)

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    Now I can see IK influence key with label in dope sheet thanks.

    Build number (MHX)

    Test same scene and pose for G3F

    “snap IK to FK” still move bones clear… (it is not small rotation problem, move large). , do I need to generate new rig again?

    I simply import one g3F pose with No roation limit.

    Then snap IK for all, Snap Right IK leg seems cause issue. (about this pose)

    snap all 4 IK bones

    I confirmed with another pose,, Actually Neither R nor L leg snap FK ….

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The problem has to do with rotation locks and limits. I had introduced some code that set the rotation of locked channels to zero, to avoid that the lock rotation is stuck at a non-zero value, but that was apparently not a good idea. Also the snap tools muted all limit rotation constraints, which could cause a leg to move even if you snapped an arm. I don’t understand how that has ever worked.

    Now snapping seems to work again, at least if you disabled rotation locks and limits in the Posing panel. There is still a problem with forearm twisting though. WIll look into that later.

  8. engetudouiti reporter

    Why I keep using MHX, it can show perfect snape without deform mesh,, with many tweak bones, and individual twist ^^;

    I tried to check which version cause issue, but test all MHX up-date was difficult. , but at least MHX RTS

    still work well. (At same time I know it can not over-ride,, other discussed before,,)

    And otation locks and limit was matter. but I keep to set it as OFF. (or it never work, we discussed about it before…)

    At same time, I really hope MHX is default daz conversion rig (then many user can add enhance) , so I do not against to try new things.

    but hope you may add 2 generate button, as I said in another topic. (so any user can test and tackle problems. with their knowledge)

    Actually the snap IK to FK , FK to IK was complex, I keep my snap old script (which I showed and you included in MHX with enhance), but do not think it work as same as before..

  9. engetudouiti reporter

    And if you keep to activate Follow hand twist, snap do not work. you see deform.. it had been mentioned and I described why it not work before (then there is no way to make it work with snap) ^^;

    if you set it as OFF and stretch OFF, and Limit rotation, but still see issue, I do not know.

  10. engetudouiti reporter

    With test recent versions (I convert to MHX , then import pose > test snap FK<>IK) it seems worked. ^^

    Though I do not test new option. To snap FK <> IK work

    1. do not set Forearms follow hand (I know you like it, but I really do not think it work for snap. so mix using may easy cause issue. Then I said, you may better set it as False (default), or user miss use it. )

    2. Do not stretch (default ON)

    3. Do not set rotation limit (it not in pose, but in IK and limit >> Rotation limit

    For MHX work I suppose we may better avoid to use Roation limit.. (as you know, when we import pose, we may need to rotation limit as off for many vendor pose. it sometimes may cause issue for bad deform though..

  11. engetudouiti reporter

    I found you seems forget to activate the Stretch TO constrain for UP-date function^^;

    before you swap (toggle) with check box I suppose.. so even though you set influence with new float props,

    the toggle still keep old status (if user had not used , it keep as hidden ^^;)

    you need all stretch type constains enabled first

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