Updating rigify with metarig-face rig conversion

Issue #1101 invalid
lerev created an issue

I wonder what the process of adding genesis face rig to the rigify rig is. I want to update the metarig with custom bone,but once the rigify rig is generated. I can no longer update the rig with metarig without deleting all the face control. For now the only work around for me is to append a full daz rig copy to use as an origin to overwrite the rigify rig.

Comments (6)

  1. engetudouiti

    Yes it is current limitation about Rig fy conversion.. but it is difficult (unfortunately).

    The reason is, to keep all daz facial rig and related morphs (ERC) , Thomas need to merge daz facial rig with Generated RIg.

    As you know , Rigify made to generate all bone as meta-rig first. so witohut we make meta-rig which can include all daz facial bones (and control bones if it need), we can not use up-date meta rig function.

    If it is only about facial rig deform bone, I suppose it is not so difficult. but include control facial bone and set driver not easy..… so as you said, if you really hope to add custom bones,you need to merge it after generate your custom rig.

    or after generate meta-rig, you try to use Rig fy facial bone and customize it but it means you lost most of facial pose controller… (so I do not think it can be enhanced easy..)

  2. lerev reporter

    Yes it seems like the metarig generated from daz does not have facial bone, so Im assuming the convert to rigify opion take daz bone and driver and somehow made it into rigify layer. I wonder if there is a way to use the metarig generate-rig overwrite function without deleting these custom daz controller?

    Also I wonder if I should just add bone directly to the rigify rig.

  3. engetudouiti

    Actually I sometimes directly add necessary new bone (eg weapon prop bone)after generate rigi-fy. (not use meta-rig).

    Then what actually you try? Recommend way may change for your case I suppose.. if it can be used for other users, Thomas may think to add it I suppose.

    But up-date rig as same as Rig-fy should be difficult (the reason which I mentioned)

    you may keep current scene, and duplicate and work with duplicated one..>> return saved scene

    (there is option, remain current rig and meshes, though I seldom use it, because it may change rig name for reserve rig)

  4. engetudouiti

    I now test rig-fy options again, unfortunately, when I try to generate meta-rig, and just convert, it return errors even though I use add on offer function (generate metarig >> generate rig fy rig) for G3 ^^;

    So I change way, first edit default-rig, and directly convert to Rig-fy,, it still miss my new add tail bone I think. (I can not find new merged bone.. maybe add on need to check all bone. when we merged.. I suppose.. do not know reason though)

    So currently I can only edit generate Rig-fy rig I suppose.

    I test these 3 case.

    1. direct edit default import rig. and convert >> it can generate but can not find my add new bone in rig hieralchy, even though I activate all layer.
    2. after generate meta-rig, then add super copy as tail bone.. but add on failed to generate rig-fy rig from meta-rig.
    3. after generate meta-rig, simply try to convert as rig-fy without any new edit. add on failed too.

    I may report each specific case when I can test more.. about MHX,, It can keep my custom edit bone.. (though I may need to set bone shape, I suppose) I do not know why when convert as rig-fy this bone will be removed.. (or I miss something, I afraid)

  5. engetudouiti

    Now rig-fy conversion return for me(G3), then I test both way,,

    (customize meta-rig and add bone (with use rig-fy offer type) >> generate

    (customize def-rig first, then convert as rig-fy >> generate

    about both case, worked. but to work it, you should finish generate and convert rig-fy untill save scene.

    Script can not manage it, if you save scene after generate meta-rig without convert.

    then later load scene and keep edit meta-rig (eg add new body bones etc)>> try to convert as rig-fy , script fail to merge facial bone I remember.

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