MHX stretchness still work?

Issue #1103 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

Though I usually avoid to use stretch without I really need to use it,

but about current MHX, I do not see reasonable stretch any more. did you change something ?🙄

I set all limit as OFF.(from daz importer bone setting, and From mhx IK setting)

then set stretchness as 1.0 but it seems not show reliable stretch for me which I had confirmed before.

(though it may need to change each bone setting I suppose)

I remember it may only can stretch about forearm or shin, but I clear remeber it worked before..

Or when I request to add tweak bones, it lost without intention?

There seems no image and info which I added here , so I can not find what I had discussed about stretchness and snap things for MHX.

(I remember, we should stop stretchness when snap correctly, so untill snap, I need to return it gradualy then set key before)

but now even though I set stretchness as 0 or 1.0 figure not stretch as I expect.

Comments (18)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    see old version (not so old, most of recent MHX change happend last month I suppose)

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    It seems happen about all scenes and rig which I use up-date function to update new mhx which had been converted as mhx already.

    I suppose Stretchness not up-date correctly. If I generate from saved def-rig, then convert MHX with current version stretchness seems work.

    btw so you had offered many retarget function and transfer shape keys, at least I can transfer my new added shape keys and driver to clean generate one. (I already done half of my convert MHX scene) thanks. 😀

    but I suppose after all you need to correct up-date function. because we must need to use up-date function when up-date Daz importer and MHX, then try to use saved mhx scenes.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes I read the topic , then a few days ago up-date and test them (because it seems interesting, but at same time I worry, if it break G3 and snap things.

    Then as I said, if I generate rig with recent versions, it work correctly. so I could return all scene now. but I suppose it may cause trouble, when others up-date recent daz importer,

    I think, if you can make advance or utility function, which may remove only about MHX props once, and re-generate Constrain and props of recent versions? (though I suppose actually you tried it,, in up-date function)

    It maybe useful, when you will up-date or add new function for mhx,, (at current I do not thingk you had changed rig hieralchy, so maybe, it only related with MHX RNA props, constrain, dirver, and some operation function >> (Only parent toes funciton may need to work with edit bone, I suppose though)

    But if is really difficult, It is OK. (because I self test beta versions, . so it is usual when use them some thing may break) anyway recent version seems work if I generate from def rig. (and I think actually these function is progress. (change stretch value as float is good)

    I may try if we can stretch each IK chain bone at same time… (at current only second part bone may stretch ,, but I am thinking if we correctly change scale.. all chain bone can stretch with same ratio)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks! I was trying to make up-date script only about “stretch to” type constrain, and could set drivers correctly..

    but there seems remain another constrain or setting which I can not find, ,then still can not correct..

    so I thought to check all related bone constrain and setting one by one ^^;

    Can I use the up-date function for failed version too? (rig converted and up-dated but did not work stretch)

  5. engetudouiti reporter

    OK it make sense,, I need to add copy location for foot , hand ,, and FK,, thanks!

    I hope up-date function still work for my failed up-date scene.. (version check?) anyway test soon.

  6. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas can you add it for all version? ^^;

    because my failed scene not show up-date function anymore.

    Though I believe I can correct it follow your script,, but it somehow tedious to confirm version and scene..

  7. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas do you think I need to set "shin", "MhaLegStretch too?

    scenes which I convert MHX with yesterday version, it show stretch correctly, but shin bone not have stretch to. constrain.

    shin.bend and shin.twist only. if it need for up-date function, convert function may need to add it. because yesterday it did not worked so. if you use same function for conversion, I really hope , you keep “ up-date function” to show all scene.

    As you can see, Shin bone not stretch,, for scene which I converted yesterday…(though I suppose if it is just visual issue when we set visible about hidden bone..)

  8. engetudouiti reporter

    Ah OK I suppose your up-date function actually not set it.. even though you set it in list, because shin bone may not have stretch type constrain.. so after all it will be ignored I suppose ^^;

    +            for bname,prop in [
    +                ("shin", "MhaLegStretch"),
    +                ("shin.bend", "MhaLegStretch"),
    +                ("shin.twist", "MhaLegStretch"),
    +                ("forearm.bend", "MhaArmStretch"),
    +                ("forearm.twist", "MhaArmStretch"),
    +            ]:

    If it need to add stretch constrain, I suppose coversion script need to change. now I converted def-rig with recent version , then shin bone not have stretch constrain. (bend twist have it). or it need for another generation figure?

  9. engetudouiti reporter

    Thomas even though I up-date MHX, there seems some constrains or miss set driver.

    the scene rig, was converted a few days ago, then now I use up-date mhx function, to show MHX layers, but it failed to strech.

    I am now check why it still failed… anyway if I simply convert from def rig, current versions work as same as yesterday version and can stretch, but about up-date function for old mhx scene, it still failed. (though I can not find reason still, I may compare carefully)

  10. engetudouiti reporter

    I found reason,, Your up-date script do not activate (toggle) those stretch sonsrtain,, even though you set driver for influence ..

    before you may toggle it (on and off), so if user had not used it,, they manually need to activate them ^^;

    eg, you need,, for all Stretch type constrain for related bones activate first.

    ,pose.bones["shin.twist.L"].constraints["Stretch To"].enabled = True

  11. engetudouiti reporter


    , foot.L had connected with shin.L ^^; I do not touch those, so when convert as MHX, it connected. I finally understand, why it had not worked even though I set dirver correctly.

    now it need to un-connect = You may need to un-connect for edit bone I suppose…(do not remember if we can directly it in pose mode)

    anyway at least you need these 2 things for up-date script.

    1. you may need to activate stretch constrain first,
    2. you may need to un-connect for necessary bones, when it had been connected.

    Then finally it worked for me (then I hope if you can show force up-date MHX button for already miss up-date scene pppleaaase^^;)

  12. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The MHX Update button is now always present at the bottom of the Properties panel.

  13. engetudouiti reporter

    Thanks😂 , I will test again (now I memorize each step, for my purpose,, )

    only one thing I am still afraid, there seems converted scene, Foot.L / R have no Copy location Constrain for Shin bone.

    (It is good enhancement though)..

    I feel it depend on when or which version was used to convert MHX

    a few days ago converted version seems have this issue. then I need manually add copy location. (and set reverse driver 1 - x)

    hope your up-date scirpt already manage it correctly..

  14. engetudouiti reporter

    Did not you add un-connect FK foot, FK hand, foot, hand (L/R) from parent? though I do not know why it happend,

    but actually when I converted with options there was case, it connected with parent. (not so old scene)

    So I afraid it. (without it, there is no stretch of course,, only IK bone widget move far away)

  15. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes I may close this as solved but as I said, there are scene which must need to un-parent hand/ fk hand / foot /fk foot

    un-connected from parent in edit mode once. you know we seldom check hand bone.. so I suppose it is not easy when user use up-date MHX, for old scene, then these bone had been connected with parent.

    It not so complex, then I may expect you add (check) function for these 4 bone to check connected or not with their parent, if they are connected / set them as un-connect for edit-bone to stretch work correctly for up-date function.

    For pose stability, I may sometimes connect those bones (then not use stretch I suppose) though.

    if you add it in function, I can easy swap it too (use up-date only for un-connect again when I use stretch)

  16. engetudouiti reporter

    Most of scene seems work. (if it not work, need to un parent some bones though, it seems depend which version had been used to convert mhx. maybe it seldom happen. I hope so)

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