Convert to EPIC SKELLETON rig

Issue #1104 closed
bouich jules created an issue


I just have this cool idea, actually if it’s possible to add the “epic skeleton “ rig for our genesis characters, as you know there is like thousands of super cool animation in the UE marketplace.

Animations - UE Marketplace (

It will be really fun to import them to our genesis character in blender and edit or play with them.

Currently the only way is to export the mhx or rigify rig to UE then do retargetting there, or use the BVH retarget but to be honest i never managed to successfully import an animation to my genesis character rig.

Thank you!!

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    To import a bvh file directly does not only require that the bone names match, but also that the rest pose is the same. The is certainly not the case for all daz rigs, since the rest pose of G1-G3 is some kind of T-pose, and of G8 is an A-pose. So I think you really have to retarget the mocap animations from UE.

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