MHX up-date function still not check connected bone >> non stretch

Issue #1115 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

II said again and again, there had been MHX rigs, foot / hand connected their parent bone. 😩

and usually foot bone is hidden from user so without they know what is worng, it usually took time to find reason.

So when we up-date old MHX,scene with your offer new UP-date function,

the function need to check them then, set un-connect those bone correctly, at same time connect necessary bone (eg like fk toe,now it seems connected though)

But you still not make so your up-date function do not know reason though.

So please confirm, your MHX up-date function really do it or not.

I test with mhx then I up-date MHX with your funciotn, (which already covnert as MHX with different version)

check bone again, then Foot still connect with parent. Hand still connect with parent.

So never stretch.

You may better confirm, if your MHX up-date function acutally these or not..

def setConnect(ebns):
ebns["hand.L"].use_connect = False
ebns["hand.R"].use_connect = False
ebns[""].use_connect = False
ebns[""].use_connect = False
ebns["foot.L"].use_connect = False
ebns["foot.R"].use_connect = False
ebns[""].use_connect = False
ebns[""].use_connect = False
ebns[""].use_connect = True
ebns[""].use_connect = True

Comments (4)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    And one more, (so I hope , new up-date function should up-date all correctly, keep it open,)

    Now I found there seems case, not generate Constraint which need to add off-set to adjust stretch.

    For FK foot. I do not know reason though.

    for this issue, I keep to edit the scene MHX rig constraints and test before , then maybe new up-date function could not generate it correctly.

    As you can see, there is no copy transform to make of set from shin (parent) bone..

    so actually this scene MHX (update by up-date function) show different snap way with FK ^^;

    I may wait about this up-date function issue, you will test and offer which can check all constrain for related bone once, and generate again when it need.. + check bone connection.

    I still think, if there is more better way to manage stetch thing with snap though… but I do not remember how snap function worked..

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The update function now sets the correct connectivity.

    About the copy location constraints for the foot fk bones. I once had this idea that one could control the ik chain for the leg in the same was as the arm. So the ik target is ankle instead of the ik foot, and then the fk foot is used to pose the foot. But I suppose that nobody else has ever used this, and I haven’t either for a very long time, so this feature can probably be removed altogether.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Actually I sometimes test ik target = ankle option, but I have never test enough, (so afraid if it need to snap function or bone relation or cosntraint, but I think you do not need to remove the option.. because it should be useful..

    What I can not understand is, Rotate IK foot option… we should rotate IK foot,, do not you? ^^;

    (though I suppose it should different meaning,)

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