MHX "Long Fingers" visibility driver broken

Issue #1119 resolved
Uwe Schmidt created an issue

The visibility driver for the “Long Finger Bones” still looks for the armature property. Should probably be changed to Object. Current “Update MHX” did not change this.

Comments (14)

  1. engetudouiti

    As you said, I can not see Long Finger Bone controller, even though I activate these option.

    (I test with already generated MHX rig, which use old version >> update mhx)

    And I do not think “IK finger”, “IK tongue” actually change posing way.. (though I had not test it, then do not know how it work for MHX, I remember MHX try to add IK finger as same as rigi-fy option.. maybe it only work with other option?

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Here the driver is changed when I update an old mhx rig. However, the update function didn’t look at drivers first, so this could happen if you did the update with a version of mhx_rts from about a week ago. In the latest version you can run the update again. It is located at the bottom of the Properties panel.

  3. engetudouiti

    Thomas, no. I actually everytime use the “Update button.” (bottom in properties)

    (even though I can see MHX panell, I needed to use it)

    because I requested it. So I use it. but it not make visible these index bone = not change driver target path.

    now I activate “long fingre” this saved mhx scene, with visible all layer.

    you see it have no long finger shape.

    Then I now click “update MHX”

    So now I click it to confirm>>> but it not change Index visiblity driver path. = there is no index bone. with or without toggle menu. I can only find it with edit mode , (and all layer visible) , then serch it in pose mode

    the driver still broken (not corrected)

    At same time I confirm some scene (so I test many times with change version, they have those controll bone already. (so current add on seems generate correctly, when I convert MHX )

  4. engetudouiti

    Thomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas 😱

    Do you understand, why your MHX up-date is real problem?!

    Now I load my MHX rig scene. which have these control long finger bone, when I load it.

    which I converted last month. (it is all my base file to make scene with change swap cos etc for MHX play ^^;)

    but I up-date MHX version, then there is no panel >> but OK, I click up-date MHX >> so now it should work!!😇 (you think my request was not bad? yes it should be useful for all mhx user!)

    No it simply broke those control bone driver. then remove control long finger bone (because it keep hidden) 😱

    So you must need to correct it. (I hope)🙏

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Just a note. I’m not against back-compatibility at all and it is a good thing to have. But in general when I go into production I “freeze” the pipeline. That is, first I test that everything I need works fine, then there’s no updates whatsoever and I keep daz studio + blender + diffeomorphic to that version number for that project. I may also backup the diffeomorphic version with the project so that it is always available.

    This is because in general back-compatibility is not granted by daz studio nor blender (unless LTS) nor diffeomorphic.

  6. engetudouiti

    Please not make things so strict. I do not like someone teach me, those basic things without I ask. we are not child. actually without I seriously ask about it.

    I do not talk about DAZ sutdio or blender, or any real product things. Then if Thomas can not take time, I do not report it. (yes He can say so.. up-date button may not work, or you need to generate new rig. I do not like to take time to update) it is usual. I often make mod script, then user ask it, I deny it sorry it only work for the version which I playing^^

    or I ask mod author. please make it work for old save scene >> someone make it work so, someone not make it work so. but user may ask often. (so these request will be ignored. or author may describe it first,

    It not work for old saved scene, then do not request it me please!!!

    But I can confirm at least About this issue, actually it is not so difficult problem. because we already use up-date function to correct. If it is real difficult I feel, I usuall stop to ask Thomas. but it is not. and it can call bug because it just not work as Thomas expect. (he something miss)

  7. engetudouiti

    As private usage, I just add one new function in the MHX update Class without use Thomas already offered function.(because I can not check all one by one)

    then now up-date button can return those finger controll bone for my saved scene. and driver. actually it took at least 40 minutes for me,

    but if Thomas did it, he can make it with less than10 minutes and more clean . (because there are already many utility funcitions in add on module, then Thomas know how each work. so he can use it without duplicate new code or list etc to check bone name, with save error handling. so I think Thomas can easy correct it.

    pb =
            index_pb = (pb["pinky.L"], pb["pinky.R"], pb["ring.L"], pb["ring.R"], 
                        pb["index.L"], pb["index.R"], pb['middle.L'], pb['middle.R'], pb["thumb.L"], pb["thumb.R"])
            for pb in index_pb:
                remove_findrv(rig, pb)
                update_findrv(rig, pb)
    def remove_findrv(rig, pb):    
    def update_findrv(rig, pb):
        dpath = "MhaFingerControl_" +[-1]
        drvs = pb.driver_add("hide")
        drv = drvs.driver
        drv.type = 'SCRIPTED'
        drv.expression = 'not(x)'
        vb =
        vb.type = 'SINGLE_PROP' = 'x'
        vb.targets[0].id = rig
        vb.targets[0].data_path = dpath

  8. engetudouiti

    if someone test, unzip and overwrite current MHXrts then use Up-date MHX as same as before. at least for G3 it may return controll finger bone and set driver for vislbility . (only add a few function for MHX_OT_UpdateMHX)

  9. engetudouiti

    Then I think (and usually I keep to make so), when up-date constrain or driver,

    first clean up as I can >> then it work better ^^;

    if I just try to generate new driver or constrain, it usually remain problem. or make dirty.

    about this case,, so I need to modify driver, I may try to remove old one if they were…(there should be,,) about this case there should remain problem driver which named as “hide” for all saved scene which saved with recent stable and beta I think. (though if user had manually remove them or rename etc, it not… but I do not think, we need to consider user modify case, it is up-date function for this add on ^^;)

  10. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now I tested with an mhx rig generated with stable 1.6.1, and could verify the problem. It should be gone now.

  11. engetudouiti

    For me, now it return finger control. I only test saved scene which not up-dated with other beta.

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