MHX finger IK (tongue IK) actually work?

Issue #1122 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I remember it added for some version, then we can swap it after generate rig. but do I need to activate them then generate to use them? or it can swap with property, even though I do not activate those option when convert mhx, add on still show them when we activate props? (I hope so though)

At current I do not see any empty (which used for rig-fy IK options), or new controller when I activate IK finger for G3 mhx.

I do not see description about this property, so do not know actualy how it will work..

Comments (2)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    OK I now test from def rig convert. to use it I must need to “activate option” when convert. without it,

    it not show any new shape and control.

    I thought maybe it work even though I do not activate them when convert but, later activate them in panel.

    I suppose, It is difficult to change way (and maybe there is reason) , so I close this.

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