Enable Screen Space Reflections to improve rendering of eyes in EEVEE

Issue #113 resolved
APA created an issue

Automatically enabling Screen Space Reflection significantly improves the rendering of the eyes in EEVEE - the iris and sclera become visible. It does not negatively impact Cycles if you subsequently switch to that.

bpy.data.scenes[bpy.context.scene.name].eevee.use_ssr = True
bpy.data.scenes[bpy.context.scene.name].eevee.use_ssr_refraction = True

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This has recently been fixed in the development version. If you import a character in Eevee SSR is turned on and you receive a warning about this. This behaviour can be changed in the Material settings panel.

  2. APA reporter

    I will set this to resolved, though I have not tested. I noticed this in the dev version downloaded on 18 May. Sorry to say I find it not practical to update with every commit, as I need some stability, but the stable release is now lagging too far behind.

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