Retarget addon not insert animation in location channel to daz rig?

Issue #1133 invalid
Rose Odimm created an issue

I test with daz rig model that import from “easy import daz” and other model that have default skeleton with no constrain and lock.

The default skeleton model can get location channel from the source rig but the daz rig can receive only rotation channel.

1.I try to untick all Location lock and Limit under Dazimport > Posing tab
2.Make sure that the bone location is unlock under Item > Transform tab

3.Make sure there is nothing in bone constrains property tab

*Test with Pelvis and AbdomenLower bone.

Comments (17)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Sorry, but I don’t understand. Exactly what am I supposed to download? I found a bunch of zip files but I don’t understand how to use them.

  2. Rose Odimm reporter

    Sorry for make it confuse I should use Meta-Rig instead of that link.

    Actually you don’t need to download that you get same result by retargeting Human (Meta-Rig) that add by shift+A in blender.
    The point is if resource animation have Location and Rotation data the meta rig can have Location and Rotation data from that animation after retargeted by ROKOKO addon but the Daz rig that import by Diffeomorphic only get Rotation data from animation.

    *But if you want to use that link download “retargeting_scenes” file extract it and use “FK_rig” armature in file “01_body_chan.blend” to retarget some animation via ROKOKO then import “Easy import Daz” and retarget same animation.

  3. Rose Odimm reporter

    Thomas! think it is not your addon that cause the problem I re-confirm with many user of Rokoko that the addon is not import location data. it will import location to only Root bone it might be due to normally motion data utilizing rotation to create the movement instead of bone location like cartoony animation does.

    I try other tool like autorig pro and it import location data to both meta rig and your diffeo daz rig.
    But somehow the location is import but not work on both rig I will try to figure out how to make it work but it not your addon bug.
    sorry for your time.

  4. engetudouiti

    If retarget tool can transfer Location data (so they may try to add copy location for target rig), but not work correctly (I suppose you means, “transfer” )

    I may check each bone connected or not with parent bone, about target rig bones (def rig). if bone connected, those bone never translate only rotate. at same time, you may need to check . setting for Daz importer limit translate option settings.

  5. engetudouiti

    I downloaded your file to learn example which will cause issue for me.

    I now trying to re-target correctly, but at current I seems not have add on, which can retarget non root (or hip) bone location (off set) value to the target.

    About your case, only first spine bone and root (hip) bone seems use location, so I suppose it not so difficult.(there should be way)

    But the main problem (at least for me), so you import animattion with scale 0.01. Usually it not matter, because most of retarget tool can manage it. but as you said, this animtion need to use transform value for non root bone.. then you may need to apply scale. and tweak the animation curve to show same pos,

    In this blend file, you may notice, the mocap_apply rig and my edit animation, now show same animation with apply scale.

    If you have good retarget tool, which can retarget transform value as local off set correctly try with this scene file and use the my edit version rig and animation as source.

    so any constrain or driver which copy location will work without count scale issue.

  6. engetudouiti

    Yes now I could manage it (at current only test with your offered FK rig) with rococo retarget tool.

    1. edt animation curve as I described for rig which apply scale already.

    (about this scene, you only need to change animation curve scale for hip and pelvis rig. with remove all scale key for all bone and mesh)

    2. use Rokoko retarget tool and bake (it auto retarget and bake) rotation animation only.

    3. as you already test, it not transfer bone transform animation about pelvis (which slide as X )

    4. To make things clear, I make the baked animation as NLA track then free Action from target rig.

    5. set copy transform constrain for spine.001, only about X axis local. like this, with set driver target as mixamo-rig spine.

    6 now it show correct animation which include X slide for spine bone as same as morcap rig, in time line.

    after that, bake the spine bone transform then make new track, merge as new one etc, may depend on your purpose..

    btw as you noticed, this problem is no relation with this add on ^^; though it related with how manage animation and re-target thing and I think it not bad thing to talk about these issue. (may try to retarget add on rig etc) when anyone serch same problem.

    So you may better change topic type from bug. (if you hope to remain this question to get another info etc)

    I edit constrain type (about this case, use world may work better),, check retarget animation as you need please.

  7. Rose Odimm reporter

    Thank you for your time and testing. I really appreciate it!
    Yes normally I retarget then use constrain to bake in to animation layer addon or sometime just bake visual to animation but that also cost extra step [but it work]

    You mean right now you retarget animation then use constrain to substitute for lack of location right?

    I mean I don’t get about “apply scale and edit anim curve to keep location correctly” actually I don’t get all about scale things how can I do that and how it help you in the first file “01_body_chan_applyscale.7z” ?

  8. engetudouiti

    In my attached scene, I already apply scale and edit imported mocap animation curve.

    Why I needed it, at first I try to set constrain and test with options, but for the scale issue, I can not directly set copy location.. (though I suppose there seems another way, eg,, add new empty and use it as copy location target etc)

    But basically, make animation without use import scale 0.01 should make things easy.

    So I edit it first. ideally I hope blender will offer auto convert animation curve when user apply scale,

    but no one seems offer it (but just describe how you can manage ^^;)

    About this case, I only needed to edit, hip and one pelvis form transform curve (though I needed to remove some un-necessary keys,, eg object transform or scale keys etc which you seems auto keyed )

    you may just need to select these 2 bone transform x y z curves, and scale with Y 0.01 (in curve edirtor), with set 2d cursor as (0, 0)

    but if all bone need to transform,, I may not do it ^^;

    I may plan to make script which can apply transform scale for transform (location) animation keys, if I can..

    (apply scale for armature >> apply the scale for animation curve transform )

    if you know such tool. teach me please. I may buy it ^^; (but it need to work correctly, without change bone rotation axis etc,, I think it is not easy to apply scale correctly, when source and target use different rotation order..)

  9. Rose Odimm reporter

    Hmm I’m not sure about that I’m pose to pose hobbyist animator not familiar with graph and rotation.
    I think I’m turning to mocap because I’m lazy XD and just want to saw my daz char move.
    You maybe interest in this addon
    I contact Autorig pro author now maybe he have something to fix this issue I ever suggest rig for furry character and he add it in next version.
    I think the constrain bake method is work around for now.

  10. engetudouiti

    Thanks I feel your linked tool should be useful for me 😀 There are so many add on about animation so without real user feed back, I do not hope to test them ^^;

    About Auto rig pro,, at current I wait to get it. because I suppose most of things can be done with Thomas daz importer and MHX add on (and retarget tools) for my purpose. at least to play with daz figure.

    Then basically I may simply avoid to use any mocap which may incllude such special bone translation ^^;

    but I may recommend, even though we are hobby user, sometimes you try modify animation curve in blender curve editor.. (it is actually not so difficult, you just move around key and curve as you need to edit animations , to clean up or add you custom animation >> it make import mo-cap more unique one and fit well for your chracter.

    Blender gradually up-date animation tool recently, and I feel NLA tools actually improved much . but I forget usage often, so sometimes I try to edit and confirm by my self how it work. My self hobby is to play with game mod rigs and customize to game..

  11. Rose Odimm reporter

    Yes I can confirm that Autorig pro can transfer location but I skip the step because the addon update a lot in new version and I don’t re-read the manual well enough.
    To be honest English is not my main so I can’t under stand some process in document but for now the autorig pro can solve my problem and can skip baking constrains to NLA part.
    The addon it self is for rigging not retarget if you use only retarget it will cost 40USD instead of free Rokoko but I already own the addon so that is not the problem.
    The only flaw to utilizing Diffeo to Autorig for me is the daz mesh is include eye mesh but Autorig need you to separate that.

    Well I’m not sure about the rule of this forum to lock the thread but my issue seem solve now.^^

  12. engetudouiti

    Congratulations, you solve issue. I thanks I could learn many with your file ^^

    Anytime you set the topic as solved I think. (I always do so)🙂

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