Error converting to MHX, toe.L not found

Issue #1136 closed
Aaron J. Olson created an issue

Hello, I am trying to convert a rig to MHX. I am using the latest dev version of import_daz ( and mhx_rts (

I run the convert to MHX button with the rig selected and get the following error

Have you seen this error before? Any idea what a fix might be?

Thank you,

Comments (15)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I cannot reproduce this problem, but I remember having seen something similar before. The problem then was that the toe’s parent ended at the toe’s tail, so when the toe was connected to its parent it because a zero-length bone, and Blender silently removes those. What genesis character was you starting from? If G8, do the foot, toe and metatarsal bones look something like this?

  2. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    “The problem then was that the toe’s parent ended at the toe’s tail, so when the toe was connected to its parent it because a zero-length bone, and Blender silently removes those“ - Did anyone come up with a workaround?

  3. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    I tried running again with “error on missing bones“ unchecked as well, same error

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, I think I know what happened. You started from an old character with toe morphs and posable bones. In version 1.6.1 and before an extra bone (toe(drv)) was inserted between the toe and its real parent. In the dev version bones are made posable with constraints instead, and the bone hierarchy is unchanged, so the parent of the toe does not coincide with it.

    The crash is avoided in the last commit, but I got this weird behaviour when I converted a 1.6.1 character with posable toes and feet. Perhaps it will be ok if only the toes are made posable. However, it is safer to reload the character and morphs, and make all bones posable with the latest build.

  5. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    Using the latest 1156 build, the MHX conversion does complete, but I also I get the same behavior on the toes (the get pulled into the feet, like your picture). Is there any way to correct this (even if a manual step) ?

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If possible, I suggest to import the character and morphs from scratch. And only import mhx compatible body morphs, which does not include foot morphs.

    Hm. Or I could add a legacy mode where the toe bones are not connected to their parents. Will check tonight if that will work.

  7. engetudouiti

    Yes definitely I suppose,, it is bone connected issue ^^;

    And basically (I often recommend it,, without it is facial bone pose cotnroller, you may better to avoid to import pose controller untill you confirm it should work with Convert rig)

    I can not believe,, MHX rig can manage all complex pose controller (aka ERC daz pose controller) which do not have same bone hieralchy.. (MHX is IK and FK compatible, and use original foot rig >> daz pose controller are made for one FK rig, with daz ERC system, (even though other property change transform value for bone by ERC, it can still pose free, without make new drv bone >> no need to manage bone parent or change constrain option etc)

  8. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    Thomas, were your experiments with the legacy mode testing successful?

    Unfortunately importing the model from scratch right now would be equivalent to pulling teeth. I have several custom outfits with custom materials that are attached to the rig (made with 1.6) and bringing those back over to a brand new rig would be very tedious and time consuming.

  9. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    If there isn’t a work around in the current version, another option I might have is to do the MHX rig conversion with a 1.6 or 1.6.1 build that still accepts the old rig

  10. engetudouiti

    The only way I suppose (or I may try) is, re-make rig which not converted to MHX, (up-date)

    around foot chain,, as same as recent versions.

    Thomas should know, how toe bones (drv bones) etc are changed about recent versions.

    But about Pose morph which related with toes and try to pose them , you may lost I suppose.

  11. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Before converting the rig to mhx, run Advanced Setup > Rigging > Fix Legacy Posable Bones.

  12. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    @Thomas Larsson - that seems to have fixed it! Thank you so much! That is very helpful!

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