When removing categories, add the option to also remove all the shapekeys in it.

Issue #114 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

When you remove a morph category through Advanced Setup > Morphs > Remove Categories it removes it and its associated drivers, but the shapekeys are still there, it's true that maybe you want to remove the category and preserve the shapekeys, but if you want to remove a category, and also all its shapekeys, it would be nice to have a Delete Shapekeys checkbox like the one in Remove Standard Morphs or Remove Custom Morphs in this option.
As now you have to go to Remove Custom Morphs and select all the morphs under the category you want to remove, and this will also delete that category if it’s now empty, this is nice, but I think it would be better to have the checkbox I said, let’s say there’s a newbie using this addon, he could think that removing the category will delete the shapekeys, but they won’t.
Anyways, as I set the Priority, this is only trivial, it can be done through another menu, so there’s no rush for this.

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