Ignore invisible objects on export

Issue #1150 resolved
PurpleTourmaple created an issue


I was wondering if there was a way to ignore objects that were invisible in Daz when exporting the figure.

When I import it in Blender, the objects are still there but set as hidden. I would like to export only a selected part of the figure without having to reimport everything. Is it possible?

I tried editing the daz scripts to skip invisible objects but they are still being exported for some reason… I guess it comes from the Blender side of the addon?

Edit: It definitely comes from the Blender side of the addon where the .duf file is read, since it checks for insivible objects which are referenced there. I wonder if there is a way to flag them somehow so that selected objects are not exported if the user chooses not to.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Implemented in latest commit. The behaviour is controlled by a global property called Ignore Hidden Objects, which is located in the new Objects box.

    Children of a hidden object will be unparented. Thus, if the DS hierarchy is like this:

    the cone ends up on the same level as the plane in Blender

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Perhaps a better behavior would be to parent up to the first unhidden object. So cone would become a child of plane. Or, for parented objects, add a null instead of the hidden object, for hierarchies to be preserved for animation. So cube, cylinder and sphere(2) would become nulls.

    We could have an option “preserve hierarchies“ to add the nulls for hidden objects, or flat the hierarchy.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, that may be better, but I don’t think it is important enough to bother. The present behaviour was implemented by adding three lines of code (plus code to make it optional). To propagate parenthood would require a lot more effort.

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