Rotation limits not updated for IK

Issue #1164 resolved
Mustard created an issue

In the last commit I see you removed the Rotation limit option from the MHX panel, and we can now use the buttons in the posing section of the DAZ Importer panel.

However, these buttons are not updating the status of the IK limits for some bones, creating some issues in some extreme poses (as in the image).

I think the lines that were removed are this, maybe they can implemented back in the update function for the other buttons?

Also, would it be possible to add these lock/limit buttons to the MHX? So people can use a model installing only the MHX runtime instead of also Diffeomorphic.

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The ik limits are now driven by the rotation limits property.

    The reason why I split off the mhx rts as a separate plugin was to avoid having both enabled all the time, so having to install the main plugin defeats that purpose. But I don’t want to duplicate too much code, so I need to think about that.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    On second thought, I removed the ik limit drivers again, and reintroduced the property in the mhx properties panel. However, this time as a button rather than a property with an update function, so it is not animatable. I wanted to avoid update functions, since I thought that it may be reason why blender hangs in issue #1161, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Anyway, I have tested to disable the import_daz plugin, and the mhx rts seems to work fine without.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Another reason to avoid update functions is that they don’t work if the mhx plugin is not enabled, e.g. in a render farm.

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