MHX and Rigify break after applying a pose to the Character

Issue #1184 invalid
Rob Inters created an issue

Hello, I am not sure if it’s a bug or I’m doing something wrong but if I try to apply any pose to my imported character the rig detaches from the mesh, basically the pose is applied to the mesh but the rig stays in the T-pose. My workflow: Easy Import DAZ with the settings which can be seen in the first screenshot, than I go in to the Posing menu, select my characters armature, press Import Pose, select a pose from my library and than the pose is applied to the mesh and the armature detaches as seen in the second screenshot above.

Comments (5)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    The daz pose will only affect the fk bones, if this is what you mean. The ik bones are not affected unless you snap.

    As a side note, but not related to your question, I’d advise to don’t use facs and units together, it’s either facs or units. And to pose for ik when using rigify.

  2. Rob Inters reporter

    Thank you very much for the clarification, the snaping in the MHX panel solved my problem, have a great day.

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