import_daz operator fails when called via script

Issue #1188 invalid
Luke Graybill created an issue

Using commit 69a29d0, the bpy.ops.daz.import_daz() operator fails:

Importing works properly when using the panel buttons, this appears to only be a problem when called via a separate script.

This exact same code works as expected at least as far back as e6ea880 (I think that was in Apr 2022, so just after 1.6.1 was released?) I know that’s a huge range of time for things to have gone wrong or changed, but I didn’t see any mention in the docs for 1.6.2 about `set_selection` behavior changing, but perhaps that’s what caused this, in which case this is possibly a documentation bug?

Comments (5)

  1. Luke Graybill reporter
    import bpy
    from bpy.path import abspath
    import import_daz

    (forgot to attach the script)

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Strange, it works here. It is also somewhat difficult to trigger the error you get, if some files are missing I tend to get other errors:

    • If the dbz file is missing, I get an error saying that.
    • If the duf file is missing, the error is that the file doesn’t exist.

    However, I can trigger your error if I change the file extension to something different from .duf or .dsf.

  3. Luke Graybill reporter

    I am also unable to recreate this error now! Perhaps I had some pycache files conflicting that got cleared out?

    Either way, my apologies for wasting your time, it seems that all is good after all!

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