Limbs going wild after merge rigs

Issue #1193 invalid
Maneki created an issue

I loaded a character with
After merging the rigs, going up the timeline, keyframe a imported pose to set up simulation, the limbs go completely wild while playing the timeline. They don’t stop moving.

Comments (13)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Be sure to keyframe the start pose and the imported pose for all bones.

    edit. note. Then depending on the limits and the final pose, the interpolation could be wrong, if this happens it means that the imported pose is too different from the start pose and you need either to adjust the start pose or to insert intermediate poses. All this is normal in animation, especially if you use fk.

  2. Maneki reporter

    I tried the boots completely as standalone together with the main rig. That seems to work but as soon as I add more clothes it breaks.

    Edit: That doesn’t seem to be true either. All of the body, face meshes, hair and cloth rigs seem to work together when I remove the robe.

  3. Maneki reporter

    In idle pose the bones of all rigs are basically aligned with the main character rig. As soon as I change the pose, the robe bones are permanently off. I’m not sure why they are not even merged.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    So it’s the robe causing the issue.

    1. Did you conform the robe to the figure before exporting ?
    2. There may be name clashes. That is, while daz studio handles fine different bones with the same name, blender doesn’t. You may try to check “create duplicate bones“ and uncheck “separate characters“ when merging rigs.

  5. Maneki reporter

    “create duplicate bones” is checked and “separate characters” unchecked by default. And yes, I added the robe directly to the character and exported both together.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Hm. It looks like the thighs have been reparented to the abdomen bone. I have no idea how that could happen. Perhaps some name collision. Could you turn on bone names in the viewport display function. And check the parent relationships for the thigh bones.

    Have you tried to pose the robe before merging rigs?

  7. Maneki reporter

    @Thomas Larsson Posing the robe before merging works. Here’s a few images with (1) non-merged rigs and posed, (2) non-merged and (3) merged rigs. (I posed the bones manually on (3) to make the bone names better visible)

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I really have no idea what is going on, but perhaps I don’t understand what you are doing. That you talk about simulations and importing poses makes me confused. Some questions:

    1. If you import the pose in the first picture to the main body rig before merging, does the pose still go haywire?
    2. Is the pose made for G8M or G81M or for some other character?
    3. Have the parents of the thigh bend bones changed?

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    @Maneki Unfortuantely it is unlikely that the issue can be fixed if you can’t provide the exact steps and a test scene. If this issue only happens with the magister robe, there may be name clashes in the bones for that specific outfit and figure. You may check the bone names, and try to rename the conflicting bones before merging rigs.

    Or you can make a video of what you’re doing, that often helps.

  10. Maneki reporter

    @Thomas Larsson The pose works on everything besides the robe. There’s also a tunic in the product which has a similar shape like the robe and it works with that one. The pose is was made for G8M but like I mentioned it works perfectly with everything else.

    Here’s a image of the bone list and another one where I loaded the pose on the robe and the character rigs seperately. It already seems off there.

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