Missing UV Map when importing G8.1F geoshell

Issue #1198 resolved
Travis T created an issue

I’m updating the opening entry and leaving the original text below. It looks like during import, the geoshell for Neko Bodysuit appears in the shader routing after import, however the UV map appears to be missing. No error message is reported during import.

Original text:
I am trying to import a G8.1F to Blender that is wearing the Neko Samurai Bodysuit for Genesis 8.1 and while the rest of the figure imports, the bodysuit does not. I think it has to do with the type of object the bodysuit is. As you can see in the image below, the Neko Bodysuit has a different icon from regular wardrobe items and when I looked at the surfaces, it appears to function like a second skin for the G8.1F. I’ve attached the DUF because my understanding of DAZ object types is very limited.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The bodysuit is a geometry shell, which the plugin handles by adding custom node groups to the affected materials. The bodysuit should show up in renders. See http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/2020/11/multiple-geoshells.html.

    Anyway, that is the default behaviour. In the dev version there is an alternative implementation using geometry nodes. I am planning to write a blog post about that but haven’t had time yet, but you can find a discussion in #862.

  2. Travis T reporter

    Thank you for the explanation and the link to the articles.
    Hmm, it is certainly showing up as a shader node for me right before getting routed to Cycles/Eevee, but the geometry shell is not visible in renders. Looking at the shader routing, the UV map for the bodysuit is not importing properly because it is listed in red and when I look at the options available, the bodysuit UV isn’t listed.

  3. Travis T reporter

    Going to change the name of this problem to reflect what appears to be the issue: UV map for geoshell missing on import. There is no import error reported.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin usually finds extra uv maps, but it can be confused if the name of the uv map differs from the name of the file it is defined in. You can load the missing uv map manually, with Advanced Panel > Materials > Load UV Set.

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