Save morph-driven pose as pose asset

Issue #1202 resolved
unizen created an issue

Sorry if this functionality already exists but I couldn’t find anything.

Say I make a pose using some morphs that drive bone rotations (such as “Hip Bend” etc). I would then like to be able to save this pose as an asset in the pose library. When I try this it doesn’t work, as the saved pose only includes manual bone rotations and not the morph-driven ones.

So I would like some way to make the morph-driven bone rotations “real” (as if they had been posed manually) so I can save the resulting pose as an asset. Is there already some way to achieve this, or could this functionality be added?

Comments (4)

  1. unizen reporter

    I’ve noticed that checking “clear constraints” seems to break the posing morphs.

    Leaving it unchecked causes a doubling of the rotations which makes sense because the morphs are still applied. So it will look correct again when the morphs are zeroed out.

    Also start and end frame should both be set to “1” so it will only bake to a single frame.

    Then I click “mark as asset” on the newly created action in the dope sheet action editor to save the pose to the asset library.

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