Possible to remove a morph after geografts have been merged?

Issue #1204 resolved
Aaron J. Olson created an issue

Hello, is it possible to remove a morph after geografts have been merged with a mesh?
I tried “remove morph from category” button and selecting the morph from the list. I also tried deleting the shapekey from the mesh that corresponded, but the option still appears in the UI.

Thank you,

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    A disadvantage of the new morph system (the only one afaik) is that it is difficult to remove morphs. I think I removed the possibility because the code was buggy and difficult to maintain. However, it seems to be possible to remove an entire category but not single morphs.

    It may be worth to keep a version of your character without any morphs, so you can load morphs to a fresh character. Although that would force you to keep track of multiple files.

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