Propotion Morphs don't work correctly

Issue #1222 resolved
Maneki created an issue

I only tested it with G9 but I imagine it’s the same with all generations. The propotion morphs don’t work correctly.
I assume this is due to the scaling controller “morphs” being completely ignored. Is it possible to somehow include this data in the propotion morphs and make them work?

Comments (11)

  1. Maneki reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani I know, they still don’t work in terms of scaling. In Daz bones have scaling changes in the properties too, so it’s not just ERC data. The place where those propotion morphs are located, there’s scaling controller “morphs” but daz importer can’t load them.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Are you talking about the three height morph files in Base Proportion directory? I looked into files and the only bones that are scaled are in the head, hands and feet. Probably the propertions morph must be accompanied by an object scaling, but that info seems to be located somewhere else.

  3. Maneki reporter

    @Thomas Larsson The scaling is done by a hidden scaling “morph”. Daz importer can’t read it as a morph because it most likely doesn’t have any actual mesh deformation. That’s why it’s not included in the propotion morphs when imported to Blender.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Should work now. At least the first time you load the morphs, there are issues with dependency loops when they are reloaded. But that is for another day.

  5. Maneki reporter

    @Thomas Larsson I tested it and it seems to work nicely at first sight. I also tried to reload the scene and make a 2nd scene and the morphs still work. I’m not really sure what kind of impact your mentioned issue is supposed to have currently but I can’t see anything so far.
    Anyway, thank you for this. As a side note: Does it matter if inherit scale is on or off for this? I could imagine that it plays a role here.

  6. Maneki reporter

    Update: It actually does. When I turn on inherit scale and increase the chest size, it also increases the arm size. For this reason inherit scale turning on shouldn’t be even a option in my opinion since it can cause follow up issues.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Inherit scale must be off for daz figures if we want the daz poses and animations to work fine. But I guess Thomas made it an option for people who does original animation with blender, who may prefer the standard behavior.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The dependency loops showed up as warnings in the console window when scale morphs were reloaded, and the scale drivers depended on each other in a strange way. Anyway, I think they are gone now..

    I agree that the projection morphs don’t work well if inherit scale is on. I compensate for inheritance by dividing the driver with the same component of the parent scale. That works reasonably well for the tongue bones, which is the only place I have encountered scale drivers before, but doesn’t work well if the parent is not parallel to the child. There has to be an exact correction for parent scale.

    OTOH, I don’t use the proportion morphs in Blender myself, because that is part of the character setup which is baked into the dbz file. But I sometimes scale bones in Blender manually, and in that case it is nice if inherit scale is turned on.

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