Tongue and lashes problem

Issue #1226 resolved
Alejandro Huerga created an issue

Hello again! Thanks for the support to G9!

Tongue: Tongue morphs have no effect on the figure, specially “tongue out” and “tongue up” morphs

Lashes: “Brows up” and related stretches the lashes improperly. An option to convert lashes to hair system would be awesome!

Thank you!!!

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I see. The morph files for tongue and brows are not located under the G9 base folder itself, but under the corresponding mouth and brows folders. That will take some work to get right.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This should be working now. If you import morphs with the armature selected, they are loaded to all meshes that make up the character. In particular for G9, both the main body and the mouth have tongue morphs, although only the latter makes anything useful.

    Shapekeys are only transferred to meshes that are untouched. So if both the brow and blink morphs are loaded, the brow morphs are not transferred to the eyelids. However, this doesn’t work so well, because if the blink morphs are not loaded the brow morphs are transferred. Moreover, the brow morphs are transferred to the tears anyway, so this wasn’t such a good idea.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    @Thomas What do you mean ? We only need to transfer to meshes that are fitted to. For example outfits and face meshes are fitted to the figure, so we need to transfer from the figure to them. I mean we don’t have to transfer every mesh to any other mesh as brows to tears.

    Unless I miss something.

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