Import Pose problem

Issue #1227 invalid
LazingInTheHaze created an issue

When importing a pose using Posing->Import Pose tool in some cases the import result is not correct.

Pose imported incorrectly.

If I try another pose, the import is correct.

Step to reproduce:

Import a simple Gen3 female

Go to pose and import the duf files (AG_05.duf and FAttraction Floor 02.duf) attached, each one in a different key frame.

Confront the imported poses to the DAZ Studio equivalents. In AG_05 pose is correct, incorrect for the other.

Comments (7)

  1. LazingInTheHaze reporter

    Yes imported and active.

    Anyway, the position of the arm cannot be corrected by the JCMs only.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    blender 3.3.1, diffeomorphic

    The pose works fine here with G3F. You have to turn off the limits that’s what daz studio does for this pose, apart that I see no issues. Of course also be sure to have an up to date version of the plugin.

    note. important. If you’re using a custom figure you also have to import the custom jcms for that figure, that may be what your issue is, though usually the standard jcms work fine enough.


    1. import G3F
    2. import jcms and flexions, make all bones posable
    3. load the pose with no limits

  3. LazingInTheHaze reporter

    Fantastic. Great! It works like a charms!

    I’m really sorry to have marked this as a bug!

    My pity I didn’t think about the “limits”; I’m so used to disable them in DAZ that I didn’t think to do the same importing the figure.


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