Hair and Geofraft Bones no longer function after Morphs are imported.

Issue #1242 resolved
Rob Inters created an issue

Hello Thomas and Alessandro, I think I encountered a bug in the newest dev version.

My two setups:

Blender 3.2.2 with Diffeomorphic (this is my primarily setup because of the <<Texture Bleeding Issue>> if using the BSDF (Cycles Only) in the newer Blender versions.)

Blender 3.3.0 with Diffeomorphic

Hair: <<Adena Hair for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Female>>

The issue:

Posing works fine prior to importing all of the Hair Morphs (see screenshot below)

After importing all Hair Morphs, the Bones in Blender 3.2.2 with Diffeomorphic stop working, whereas in Blender 3.3.0 with Diffeomorphic everything works fine. (see screenshot below)

Comments (10)

  1. Rob Inters reporter

    I experimented a bit more, updated Diffeomorphic to Version, on Blender 3.2.2 and noticed that the issue not only affects the specific hair from the previous post, but also for example the Bones from <<Futalicious>> from Meipe also stop working after I import all <<Base Morphs>>.

    On Blender 3.3.0 with Diffeomorphic <<Futalicious>> from Meipe is working fine after <<Base Morphs>> import.

  2. Rob Inters reporter

    Steps to reproduce:

    Blender 3.2.2, Diffeomorphic Version

    1. Import 8.1 Basic Female with Futalicious attached with <<Import DAZ>>
    2. <<Merge Rigs>>
    3. Select Futalicious and Import all <<Custom Morphs>> ( Morphs Path: C:\My Content\Female Anatomy\data\Meipex\Futalicious_Genitalia_G8F\Futalicious Genitalia v3.2\Morphs\Meipex\Base\ )
    4. Now the Futalicious Bones can not longer be <<Rotated>> in Blenders <<Pose Mode>>

  3. Rob Inters reporter

    Thomas, Yes, this was the problem, thank you; however, I think this means that the <<Make All Bones Posable>> checkbox in the <<Import Custom Morphs>> menu (see screenshot below) does not work anymore because this is how I did it in previous versions of Diffeomorphic.

    In previous versions of Diffeomorphic, I checked the box (as seen in the screenshot above) as I imported the Morphs, and everything worked fine.

    When I select the checkbox in the new version, the Bones do not pose; I must now go to the <<Finishing>> menu and select <<Make All Bones Posable>> once more.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The make posable option is revived in the last commit. It was turned off for all kinds of morphs. I have no idea what the logic behind that was.

  5. Rob Inters reporter

    Thank you very much, Thomas. I just tested it, and the <<Make All Bones Posable>> checkbox in the <<Finishing>> menu is now functional again.

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