Joint Pinning For MHX2 Rig?

Issue #1245 wontfix
Jasper29 created an issue

Sorry in advance if this is the wrong place to post this, but I couldn’t find an issue reporter on the MHX Bitbucket Repository to post this there. I was wondering if sometime in a future update if the MHX2 rig will ever get joint pinning? I’ve been using Angavrilo’s feature sets for rigify and it’s great. I love the MHX rig in some ways better than Rigify, but of course each has their own strengths and weaknesses. IMO any good rig should have as much close to real life functionality as possible (toon/stylized animations can easily be created by just going past set constraints as well as tweak bones), and limb pinning is key to that. Anyway I love the MHX rig and it’s capabilities (especially the spine/neck controlers make things easier), and I would love to see elbow/knee pinning incorporated into it as well. Here is a link to Angavrilo’s Feature Sets:

GitHub - angavrilov/angavrilov-rigs: Custom Rigify rigs (feature set package)

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Sorry, but I have lost all contact with the makehuman project and don’t remember much about it.

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