Making animation with RIGFY armature then export to DAZ

Issue #1253 invalid
zaz eaeaez created an issue

Hello, well I become crazy.

I try something who doesnt look so hard to understand but almost impossible after every plugin and try i did

My objective is to import armature or bhv animation to this armature, then change it in RIGFY (for making change) and export to daz again.

But when i try to export with “Save Pose Preset” with rigfy armature it doesnt work. I have an error i put in attachements.

All interest is to bring animation from mixamo then change to rigfy to make all change i want then bring back to daz.

But I’m lost, im huge noob, i tried sooo many tricks, plugins, tutorials.

I also tried with simple IK but when i bake+ I clicked Bake pose to FK Rig beforehand + save… nothing happen in daz and in blender animation look “stuck” after using “save pose preset”.

Thank you for your help and sorry to bother you guys ! (My blender is 3.0 and daz importer

I know there is a similar topic but I’m totally lost about all conversation, I know i look like tard :(

Comments (11)

  1. zaz eaeaez reporter


    I will explain for people with sames issue.

    I’m Using blender 3.2.1 and

    Export your genesis normally with diffeo into blender by using “easy daz import” and not “import daz”.

    On right import morph and click on make all bones poseable. Then in rigging pannel add “custom shape” and “simple IK”.

    Then now you can bring your animation from BVH or Daz etc… But Important u have to remove “use scanned data base” after using Import action. if u get trouble about it like me.

    In object mode go to animation then bake action, click only on visual keying and check pose and object in bake data.

    When it’s done u should save pose as preset and export normally to daz. (in daz u have to merge duf file with your model).

    Now i just have small troubles about the main and Ik position that goes just about anywhere.

    I guess now it’s not about difeo but just daz and blender … If you have suggestion i take !

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It is great if you are satisfied with the result. However, I would generally advice against using Rigify to make animations for DS. Rigify is intended for hand animations in Blender, and it has a lot of features without counterparts in DS. This makes it difficult to translate a Rigify animation to a daz animation. Something is always lost in translation, and the further apart the source and targets are, the more is lost. The original daz rigs should yield the most faithful animations in DS, and animations created with very Blender-specific Rigify will probably be the most off. MHX should be somewhere inbetween; it has some bells and whistles that facilitate animation in Blender, but it is also rather straightforward to translate into a daz animation.

  3. zaz eaeaez reporter

    Yeah from what i saw it’s pretty complicated but im stupid i love making stuff complicated !

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