Importing HD export only collects texture maps for one shader for all meshes

Issue #1269 invalid
Bret Sampson created an issue

If I save out a HD export through Daz, when import into Blenders all meshes in the HD Collection receive the same shader to all sections.
This not a problem for the standard collection imported at the same time, so I can swap out the shaders from the standard to the HD Meshes, I just thought this should be raised.
I’m using the latest 1.7 build

Many Thanks

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Just tested Victoria 8.1 HD and works fine here, both multires and true HD. You may want to describe the exact steps and your HD global settings.

  2. Bret Sampson reporter

    Ok, so a bit of an update, if I export Hd out with no geomesh addon items, I get this
    Main figure is fine the hair comes across with no transparency/alpha set, where previously it was fine on standard
    I’ve included my global settings and a view of one of the shaders form the hair.
    I did try and increase the transparency and transmission, but it didn’t seem to help

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    As for the hair the OOT custom shader is not supported, you may try to convert it to uber before exporting. As for geografts you need to enter the geometry editor in daz studio to export HD, as explained in the docs.

    If you have nothing to add I’ll mark as invalid.

  4. Bret Sampson reporter

    Thanks for the feedback, that makes sense.
    I do enter the geometry editor before exporting to HD, some times it works, some times it doesn’t.
    I guess it might be down to which addons I export with the main mesh.
    Nothing to add, but where global settings ok? or should I change anything?

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Unfortunately multires can’t always unsubdivide the mesh this is a blender limit, but in this case you get an error.

    As for the options it depends what you need, yours are to keep both the base and multires figures. Personally I uncheck “keep base meshes“ and “add armature to HD“ since I use multires and don’t need the base mesh and true HD. For true HD to work you need to export the HD uvs in the dbz, but this doesn’t work for geografts, so true HD is better handled by the Xin addon.

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