Import standalone material dufs as a new material

Issue #1276 duplicate
xmf created an issue

I think it would be useful if we could import materials directly from material duf’s without need for dbz file. I think the material duf contains everything you need to recreate material in blender? I think it will be useful for importing materials that have lots of variations.

Comments (10)

  1. Midnight Arrow

    You can. It’s in the advanced options.

    Doesn’t look like it was ever added to the documentation though. I guess because it wasn’t part of the last stable branch?

  2. xmf reporter

    Can you add an option to plug in the materials into a custom node group? So i just put a path to the custom node group in global settings and then on import it uses it instead of pbsdf and matches the node group input names to that of a pbsdf node.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Sorry, I don’t understand. If the Add Slots option is enabled you can import the materials to a mesh without prior materials, and then group all nodes into a node group.

  4. xmf reporter

    I mean. if i could just take my skin node group with pbsdf inputs and plug it into daz importer and it uses that instead of normal pbsdf it would make it possible to 1 click setup custom materials instead of having to manually setup it every single time.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Do you mean that you have a custom node group with the same inputs as the principled node? If the interface is identical it should be possible, yes.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, I did something that replaces principled nodes with a custom group. I don’t want to do it during import, because it would be too much magic: Instead there is a separate tool in the Advanced Materials panel. The Make Shader Groups tool can now create a template with the same inputs and outputs as the principled node.

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