Cannot import "genesis 8.1 basic male" with 1.6.2 on Linux

Issue #1278 invalid
Carina created an issue

It tries to find file “Genesis 8.1 Basic Male.duf”, but the file is called “genesis 8.1 basic male.duf”. I have Case Sensitive enabled. It worked correctly with 1.6.1.

Comments (18)

  1. Carina reporter

    I also tried build 1287, in the hope the recent database scan addition would fix it. Same error.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This is going to be tricky to fix since I don’t have access to Linux.

    1. You did run Utilities > Scan Absolute Paths? It should generate a file called ~/import_daz_scanned_absolute_paths.json. Please upload that file.
    2. Turn up verbosity to 5 (in the global settings) and try again. Now there should be an error when the file isn’t found. What is that error?

  3. Alessandro Padovani
    • changed status to open

    @Carina I’m reopening the issue for Thomas to check your new information. When you file a bug please try to keep it going, replying after 11 days is not likely to be followed.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Carina, please test the latest commit. I think there is a good chance it will work.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There were still some places where the case-sensitive lookup function wasn’t used in the previous commit. Hopefully all such places are using the right function now.

  6. Carina reporter

    With 1326 slightly different error at the end of the trace:

    File "/home/user/.config/blender/3.5/scripts/addons/Diffeomorphic-import_daz/", line 84, in getAsset

    ‌ return self.getNewAsset(id, ref, strict)

    File "/home/user/.config/blender/3.5/scripts/addons/Diffeomorphic-import_daz/", line 92, in getNewAsset

    ‌ filepath = GS.getAbsPath(fileref)

    File "/home/user/.config/blender/3.5/scripts/addons/Diffeomorphic-import_daz/", line 526, in getAbsPath

    ‌ reportError(msg, trigger=(3,4))

    File "/home/user/.config/blender/3.5/scripts/addons/Diffeomorphic-import_daz/", line 92, in reportError

    ‌ raise DazError(msg)

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Please try the last commit. It won’t fix the problem, but it prints a more exhaustive error message that should help to find it.

  8. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Got it. Your assets are located in cloud directories, I didn’t thought of that.

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It looks like you have set up the root paths wrong. I think you put the cloud top directory in the content paths, like this:

    However ,the right way is to list the individual cloud directories, like this:

    That should happen automatically if you export the root paths from DS and import them into Blender with the Load Root Paths button. At least that what happens on Windows. However, the Cloud Directories option is disabled by default, so you must enable it. I will change that default to avoid confusion.

  10. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If you still get errors, but only for a few missing assets, it may be time to turn down verbosity to 2 so the remaining assets are imported.

  11. Carina reporter

    Thank you for finding my problem! Indeed I had the base directory of the cloud folder set in Cloud Directories, instead of adding all subfolders individually. Strange that it was not noticed in previous versions. Now importing works again, and I can continue creating G8 morphs inside Blender.

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