A rather unusually morphed character has some posing issues

Issue #1284 resolved
Rob Inters created an issue

Hello Thomas and Alessandro, I have the following Character <<SSY Spindle Fae for Genesis 8.1 Female>> https://www.daz3d.com/ssy-spindle-fae-for-genesis-81-female

Workflow in Daz Studio:

  1. Load Basic 8.1 Female
  2. Apply the <<Spindle Fae>> Morph on the Basic 8.1 Female
  3. <<export_to_blender>>

Workflow in Blender:

  1. Import Character with <<Import Daz>>
  2. <<Merge Rigs>>
  3. <<Import Standard Morphs>>
  4. <<Import Custom Morphs>> (Morphs which belong to the <<Spindle Fae>> Character.)

Now, if I try to pose the character using the <<Daz Rig>>, I have a problem with the deformed thighs (see screenshot below)

Another issue arises if I convert the <<Daz Rig>> to the <<MHX Rig>>, with the legs now also being deformed in addition to the thigs (see screenshot below)

I played around with it a little and discovered that if I apply the <<Optimize Pose For IK>> button in the <<Finishing>> section before switching to the <<MHX Rig>>, the problem with the legs from above goes away, but the thigh still deforms (see screenshot below)

Also, I noticed that if I manually change the <<Shape Keys>> from the <<Spindle Fae>> Character (see screenshot below), I can sort of correct the Thighs deformations, implying that the Shape Keys don't work automatically.

I suppose my question now is, Thomas and Alessandro, how do I make the <<Shape Keys>> automatically apply to the Character?

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    There must be something you do wrong, by following your steps she works fine here.

    There are some morphs that are not good for this figure in daz studio, so of course they are the same in blender, but this is a “bug” in the figure itself or rather the PA didn’t make good custom morphs for this figure.

    update. POSSIBLE BUG FOR @THOMAS (and workaround). Now I see what’s the issue here. It seems there’s some conflicts if you load the CTRL morphs, but since the shape is already baked in the dbz you only need the pJCMs, if you load the pJCMs alone the figure works fine. Thomas let us know what you think if this is a bug or a known issue to work around.

    In my example above I only imported the pJCMs so everything worked fine, apart the bad morphs by the PA.

    NOTE FOR @THOMAS. I see it’s the same for all figures, if you don’t have the Spindle Fae. I tried with Victoria 8.1, loading only the custom jcms works fine, while loading the custom ctrl messes up the jcms, though for Victoria the effect is less visible but stills there. Again we don’t really need the ctrl since the shape is already baked, so they can be avoided if we have to.

  2. Rob Inters reporter

    Thank you very much, Alessandro; excluding the CTRL, fhm, and phm Morphs solved the defamation problem.

    Alessandro, could you please also clarify the above part about the MHX conversion. If I convert the <<Daz Rig>> to <<MHX>> the <<Spindle Fae's>> knees and a lot of other things break (see screenshot below)

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    As for MHX it seems what happens is that the ik pose goes outside the fk limits thus breaking the jcms. I’m not sure if this can be avoided but you can minimize the issue by using “optimize pose for ik“ before converting. It seems rigify behaves better but I guess the same issue could arise.

    POSSIBLE BUG FOR @THOMAS. The same distortions can also happen in the daz fk rig if we pose via the transform tools, since the fk limits are not set to affect transforms. This is probably a bug unless there’s some technical reason that I’m not aware of. I’m not a rig expert.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    @Thomas please look at the notes and let us know what you think. I bolded “for Thomas“ for you to find them better.

  5. Rob Inters reporter

    Yes, Alessandro, the <<optimize pose for ik>> workaround works well in this case; thank you very much for your assistance and the detailed explanations as always.

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