Unable to use BVH retargeter with imported Genesis 8 or 8.1 MHX rig

Issue #1285 resolved
AB created an issue

As title states, after importing two characters (G8.1 and G8) and converting both to MHX rigs, I’ve not been able to use the BVH retargeter add-on successfully. It’s unable to identify the rig (errors e.g. no children of hip, despite there being children, or ?incorrect orientations). It’s also unable to identify non-CMU BVH files.

I was wondering if there was a way to manually retarget or something?

Another issue I found is that after successfully importing and letting the add-on recognize both rigs, blender flat out stops responding for a solid 20 minutes

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Indeed Blender hangs with the mhx rig. This is going to take some time to fix, since I haven’t used the retargeter for a long time and have forgotten about some of the code.

  2. AB reporter

    Would you consider adding functionality to convert rigs from MHX to Rigify or ARP as well? For the Importer add-on, i mean. If MHX is not going to be employed much, i’d like an easier way to switch rigs, if possible

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Now retargeting to mhx works again. The problem was that the properties that control IK and other stuff were changed from armature properties to object properties, so the retargeter had to be made aware of that. The code is quite old and needs a facelift, but at least basic retargeting is ok.

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