Importer is Crashing when importing Genesis 8 figure (only one I tested so far) WITH most Geografts

Issue #1288 resolved
Jasper29 created an issue

Importer is crashing everytime I bring a figure over with the latest build, with a ‘ShaderNodeTree’ object has no attribute ‘postbuild’ error.

The rigs aren’t merging like they should (option checked), as well as any and all expressions, visemes, etc. I uninstalled and reinstalled, but same thing. Don’t know if this is related (it seems to be) I also noticed that a few minutes after importing, I can no longer zoom with middle mouse scroll for some reason.

Comments (11)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Weird. I cannot reproduce this error, and self.tree should be a CyclesTree or PbrTree, not a ShaderNodeTree. But I did change code around there very recently so it is a place where new bugs may hatch.

    That the various options have no effect is not strange, however, because the crash happens already during the first import stage.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Uhm .. from your picture it seems like you got a gazillion tabs on the right ? Is this normal to you ? May it be you installed too many plugins that some way conflict each other ?

    p.s. Just tried the latest commit and I can’t reproduce the issue either, everything seems to work fine here. Can you import a standard G8F with “import daz“, without “easy import“ ?

    p.p.s If it is only a specific figure causing the issue then you need at least to provide a link to the figure page, so may be we can test it. I mean if the other figures work fine.

  3. Jasper29 reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani Lol yeah I have a ton of addons-- however it has never been an issue with any diffeo build before, nor each other for that matter. Although I did just recently update ‘Human Generator v4 Beta’ addon, and I rthink there are files from both Diffeo and Human Gen that are in my mpfb folder (don’t know if that can cause an issue?). EDIT: I think its the latest beta build of Human Generator. I have this log report in my ‘combined’ text log in my mpfb folder, and I think it at least described my mouse zooming issue:

    I will import a base Genesis 8 figure and use 'import Daz' and see if that works.

  4. Jasper29 reporter

    Just Imported using a base Genesis 8 figure with ‘import Daz’ and THAT works fine:

  5. Jasper29 reporter

    After more testing with several figures, it seems for whatever reason that when I import a Genesis 8 figure without any additional rigs (i.e Golden Palace), it will actually work and import everything fine, no crash even with ‘Easy Import’ option. However, when I load a figure with something like Golden Palace, I get this crash…

  6. Jasper29 reporter

    So after way more testing I’ve narrowed it down to any geograft with a rig (or at least a certain amount of bones). I took 5 seperate figures with various morphs all different from each other AND a base Genesis 8 figure and imported them WITH geografts, and WITHOUT geografts (using all identical settings of course) and the ones with the geografts caused the crash and ran the error. I even tried different kinds of geografts like Golden Palace, New Gen for Victoria 8, Advanced P***y, various wing and tail grafts etc. They all caused the crash. Oddly enough, Breastacular did NOT cause the crash but imported with the breast bones sticking up at an angle above original breast bones. I then uninstalled the latest build of Diffeo, and went back to stable 1.6.2 version and everything works/imports fine no problem. Do you think it has something to do with absolute paths? Is this the importers way of saying it doesnt recognize these geografts anymore (like vertex count, bone count, maybe even shaders?)? All of this worked up until the last 2 builds for me, like Thomas said he edited around self.tree/node shader tree area, and the update before that was something to do with absolute paths… (Sorry I am a complete novice at coding, took 1 python class in school years ago lol although someday I would like learning fully).

  7. Jasper29 reporter

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that I have completely uninstalled Human Generator v4 addon, so I’m sure it has nothing to do with that, and that was the only addon I updated recently besides Diffeo.

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